
Nieuwsarchief - mei, 2004

Bizarre Love Triangle
E3 attendees were entertained with a fun hands-on demo of The Sims 2 revealing a sneak peek into a moment in the life of Sim, Don Baxter.

Don's life aspiration is Romance, whereas his wife Sarah's goal is Family. Don's old flame Dina is at Don's son's birthday party, and ol' Don just wants to talk, flirt and more with his old heartthrob. The party gets sticky when Sarah's sister catches Don "cozying up" to Dina back in the quiet cabana. Sarah's sister dutifully defends her honor and that's when things get really fun.

Can't figure out what to wear to your Sims prom? We've got some ideas.

See The Prom Fashions

Find out what The Sims 2 is all about in this video that shows off just about everything!

Go To Videos

We gathered up a bunch of screenshots that were exclusive to other sites and haven't been posted here yet. Now they are all in one place for your viewing pleasure.

Go To Screenshots

It's the ultimate compilation of the top-selling PC franchise of all time. The Sims Mega Deluxe combines the original #1 PC game, The Sims, with three of its popular expansion packs: The Sims Livin' Large, The Sims House Party, and The Sims Hot Date.

Read The Press Release

Sims Fans!

Last week was the fabled Electronic Entertainment Expo in L.A., and as always, the event was a study in the rabid devotion of gamers to their favorite medium, as well as a demonstration of the ineffectiveness of even the most powerful cough-drops in the face of three days of extolling the virtues of The Sims 2 on the busy E3 show floor. Imagine filibustering inside a jet engine, and you have a good idea of what my experience was like.

Duizenden aanwezigen op de E3 hebben deze video op een gigantisch scherm kunnen bekijken, en nu kun jij het lekker in alle rust thuis kijken zonder dat je in een hele lange wachtrij moet te staan.

So, you've downloaded the Body Shop, but your Sims 2 creations keep turning out less than divine. What do you do? You check out the new Sims 2 Body Shop tutorial, that's what!

School My Body!




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