
The Tragic Clown

donderdag, augustus 31, 2000 - 23:00

This SimDay, meet one of the more unusual characters from The Sims Livin' Large -- the Tragic Clown.

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The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownWhen Lyon and Chetin Wezil moved to Vegas, they decorated in style. This, after all, is a permanent party town. Some might question their taste, but you have to admit, everything matches. Just different shades of ugly, really.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownAnd their 24-hour party pad does seem to attract quite a crowd!
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownBut it doesn't take long for the endless partying and gambling to take its toll on their bank accounts. No money, no party, no friends. As the bills and trash pile up, the brothers slide further and further into depression.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownWhat's this? A new visitor? "Hey Lyon, you order a clown-o-gram or something? Man, musta been a cheap one."
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic Clown"No way, man. We haven't even got enough Simoleons to hire a BAD clown. Beat it, Bozo." But the tragic clown just gazes back sadly, a caricature of their own suffering. And then, he begins to juggle.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownThe pins fly everywhere, some striking the clown's huge feet. The brothers just look at each other, sigh, and do their best to ignore the skinny stranger with the big red nose.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownBut the clown pursues them relentlessly, constantly performing bad tricks and turning balloons into twisted horrors of air and rubber.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownEven sleep is denied the Wezils, as the clown interrupts their fevered nightmares with his travesty of showmanship.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownOn the edge of bankruptcy, or perhaps even a darker fate, the Wezils return to the one-armed bandits. They look once at each other, then drop the last of their Simoleons into the coin slot and pull.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownJackpot! They can hardly believe it! Their winnings are enough to pay off all their debts...almost.
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic Clown"What can we sell quick?" "I say we get rid of the clown painting. We got enough clowns around here already."
The Sims Livin' Large Comic Strip - The Tragic ClownAnd so it is done. When they return from the flea market, the brothers are riding high. High enough, perhaps, to finally spare a smile for the tragic clown who haunts their home. But, as strangely as he arrived, the clown is gone.



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