
Second Chat Transcript

donderdag, februari 8, 2001 - 22:30

Tim LeTourneau, Producer for House Party stopped by to chat last SimDay. If you missed it, don't worry -- you can download the transcript for yourself!

Download Chat Transcript (14 Kb), or click below to read it on our website.

House Party Chat Transcript with Tim LeTourneau

February 1, 2001

MaxisAndrea says, Welcome to the second of the House Party Developer Chats. It is great to see such a large number of chatters today.
MaxisAndrea says, Tim LeTourneau, Producer of House Party is our guest chatter today. Yipee
MaxisAndrea says, Lets get started!
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #101 from Stk992:
What does the producer do?
MaxisTim says, Producers are the people that make sure all the different elements of a project come together.
MaxisTim says, They work with the engineering, art, sound, and marketing depts. To pull all the pieces together and make sure they're on schedule.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #13 from LivinLargeIn2001:
What is your favorite part of this job?
MaxisTim says, I love the period right before a product ships which we call "finalling"
MaxisTim says, This is the period from Alpha to Final when all the pieces come together. It's a lot of late nights and you do whatever it takes to make sure the product ships on time.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #31 from LivinLargeIn2001:
How many hours a day does everybody work?
MaxisJenna says, HA!
MaxisTim says, Different for different groups, but during finalling it not unusually for many of us to work 20 hour days. I've pulled a few 48 hour shifts.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #33 from Pilky2001:
So what exactly is this "Mass Invite" thing that we heard about at the last chat?
MaxisTim says, We want you to be able to get people to come over more than 1 at a time, it's just a way to contact several neighbors at once.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #47 from MrSims_0019:
MaxisTim says, Both she and he help to liven up a party - it will be interesting to see how your guests react.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #299 from NJT:
What does the party planner do at the party
MaxisTim says, Two of the new objects are a buffet table and punch bowl - the Caterer will keep these items full so you don't have to worry about refilling them.
MaxisTim says, Frees you up to socialize with your guests.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #935 from homeslice11:
Will there be party crashers, and can they break stuff in the house?
MaxisJenna says, heehee
MaxisTim says, Some interesting people will show up at the party - that's all I'm going to say.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #432 from SumSim2000:
Are you going to let Sim Kids host parties for their friends?
MaxisTim says, Sure, as long as there is adult supervision.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #964 from Opposite:
Is house party compatible with LL
MaxisTim says, Absolutely. And a lot of the objects fit into our new themes - Luau, Cowboy, and Rave.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #485 from david_shiponi:
What do you like the most about your job , starting a game ? or finishing one?
MaxisTim says, I'm know around here as the closer - I came on at the end of SimCity 3000, then went to The Sims, I love the finalling process - it's an adrenaline rush.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #346 from MrSims_0019:
What was you favorite tv show when you were young?
MaxisTim says, My favorite cartoon was "The Herculoids." I feel kinship to anyone who remembers it.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #319 from GrandSimHouse:
In the expansion pack, will the Sims be able to slow dance at all?
MaxisTim says, The dances are really centered around the themes - Rave, Disco, Country, Rap, Beach - they're all pretty lively.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1065 from MiraK:
Will there be a lot of new furnishings?
MaxisTim says, Of course, the art quality of the new stuff is incredible - MaxisJenna has been very involved in making sure the objects coordinate and look beautiful.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1168 from elwell:
Are any of the objects going to be available for download on the Maxis site before the release of House Party?
MaxisTim says, I'm sure there will be something to whet your appetite - hehe
MaxisJenna says, (thanks Tim)
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #318 from david_shiponi:
How hard is it to make an expansion pack? Does is open new doors to game's limits?
MaxisTim says, It's not difficult technically, but it's a lot of hard work. We definitely look for ways to add new functionality to the objects.
MaxisTim says, A big consideration as we design new objects is how they will be transmogrified - we want to give you the best toys to play with.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1283 from Opposite:
What is the most interesting object?
MaxisJenna says, the cornstalk!
MaxisTim says, The Bubble Maker is really out there.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #567 from touchofgray555:
I heard there is a oxygen bar ???
MaxisTim says, There is a rave bar - its serves detoxifying juices and extracts of course.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #293 from mbretl:
Do the costumes from the "costume trunk" give Sims other accessories, such as hats?
MaxisTim says, We will definitely have some accessories tied to the themes, but they will show up in interesting ways.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #597 from touchofgray555:
What things are there in the luau theme?
MaxisJenna says, hula skirts!
MaxisJenna says, oh wait....(for MaxisBrooke) There are hula skirts!
MaxisTim says, I just saw the Tiki Shower - it looks awesome. My personal favorite right now is the bamboo shrub - you can use it to virtually create a bamboo forest - it is so cool.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #632 from TJ13:
In House Party are there any new jobs for your Sims?
MaxisTim says, The thing we really wanted to do with House Party was make it easier to socialize, by letting people increase their friends count they'll be able to move to many of the career levels they haven't been able to reach.
MaxisTim says, But we don't have new careers - you'll just get to see a lot the higher levels of the existing ones.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #499 from NJT:
What do you do with the campfire
MaxisTim says, This is such a great object - first 8 Sims can use it at the same time. The Roast Marshmallows and socialize. And wait until you hear them singing together.
MaxisTim says, And I can't forget the ghost story.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1554 from SilverUnicorn:
Will there be any limitations on how often you will be able to have a party? For instance, one every three Sim days or something like that?
MaxisTim says, No - but your Sims do have to sleep sometime.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1579 from Gazebo:
How can you get rid of the Psycho mime??
MaxisJenna says, tickle him
MaxisTim says, You have to get the "Tragic Clown." -kidding- He shows up when the party is a snooze - he thinks he's going to liven things up - beat him to the punch.
MaxisJenna says, just kidding!
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #303 from Raizo:
When using the Costume Trunk, do the guest Sims gather around the trunk to change, or do they all do the Wonder-Woman Costume Change Twirl where they're standing after you've chosen the costume theme? Is it possible to have several different costumes in one theme, so that Sims of the same gender don't all look alike?
MaxisTim says, They all go to the trunk to change. The coolest thing is that your visitors change as well. Each theme can have several different costumes - and we will give instructions for adding your own.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1658 from 8oh:
Will guests still leave around midnight or is that time limit abolished during parties?
MaxisTim says, The game still follows the basic rules of parties, we are just giving objects to make those parties much more effective.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #944 from sunray40:
Will there be babysitters?
MaxisTim says, No - but you could make a costume.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #294 from NJT:
How do you hire a dancer?
MaxisTim says, Buy the cake - fortunately she has an unlimited supply of food and oxygen in there. And like all Sims she doesn't age. So you can pop her out whenever you want.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1740 from GrandSimHouse:
Can the kids have a surprise cake?
MaxisTim says, There will be surprises for the kids as well.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1733 from The_Chemistry_Set:
Will fights break out at Partys
MaxisTim says, Social chaos is bound to occur, as a matter of fact we're counting on it !
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1814 from MajorFreak:
Will you be able to set a time for a party and then have your guests come at that time?
MaxisTim says, No, brunch, lunch or midnight snack - just don't wake the neighbors - unless of course they're crashed on your sofa.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1811 from misterlister:
Will the dancing girl stay for the duration of the party? Can Sims interact with her?
MaxisTim says, She'll definitely work the room - she's hired entertainment.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1838 from GlennFrog:
What ill effects are caused by drinking too much punch?
MaxisTim says, There may be some messes to clean up - socially and literally.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #354 from BamBam36:
What new items will be available for the Sim children?
MaxisTim says, Most everything is usable by the kids - of course the bull is too dangerous.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1993 from THE_SlM_GOD:
What will the House Party Expansion Pack be rated and why?
MaxisTim says, Same as The Sims and Livin' Large.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2141 from MasterofSimsSteven:
Can the mechanical bull cause injury to Sims?
MaxisTim says, Nothing that a little rest and relaxation won't fix.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #364 from MedicMass:
Will there be any other way other than the telescope to alter your Sims personality?
MaxisTim says, Livin' Large was about altering Sims lives. House Party is about socializing - so think along those lines.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #396 from gconwaydave:
Tim will we see a 3rd add on pack
MaxisTim says, Let us get the second one out first.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #394 from gavan:
When will there be screenshots posted other then on gamespot?
MaxisTim says, Absolutely, we'll have more stuff coming along shortly. Keep your eyes peeled.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2399 from Smartyplus:
Will there be any new codes?
MaxisTim says, Probably, but only things that relate House Party.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1613 from soccergrl1791:
Are the skins created by the winners of Costume Party Contest going to be featured in House Party?
MaxisTim says, Possibly, we need to look into that. The real reason for the contest was to make sure that the community had tons of costumes to fill up the trunk after we ship
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2329 from homeslice11:
Any tropical birds, or other background creatures to spice up a luau theme?
MaxisTim says, No birds, but there are plenty of tropical items to choose from.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #708 from The_Chemistry_Set:
Who came up with the idea of the house party?
MaxisTim says, It was a group decision - as most things are at Maxis - this is a very collaborative environment.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #728 from Stk992:
How much will it cost (an estimate) to throw a decent party?
MaxisTim says, Depends on how many you have over - you got to make sure people have fun and enough to eat and drink.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #738 from gconwaydave:
Tim is it hard work being producer?
MaxisTim says, Yes, but it's great work. And it's amazing to work with so many talented designers, artists, and engineers.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #739 from tejarz:
How long have you been working on this project?
MaxisTim says, That's the incredible part. We just decided to do House Party in December.
MaxisAndrea says, Thank you Tim for coming today and taking time out of your busy schedule. We all know how busy you are and appreciate you chatting with us today!
MaxisAndrea says, Look for House Party in stores at the beginning of April this year.
MaxisTim says, Thanks, I had a blast. MaxisJenna and I, along with the whole team will continue to work around the clock to get House Party out to you.
MaxisAndrea says, And ... We at Maxis would like to thank you all for coming and chatting today. Stay tuned .. the coming weeks bring more inside info from the House Party Team.



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