
Nieuwsarchief - 2001

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This building was bombed during WWII, but now it can live on in your SimCity. Download it today.

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Now you can create your own Lots for your Downtown area and upload it to the Downtown Exchange. We have also created several for you to download.

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How do you get Downtown? How do you go on a date? All your answers are in the Hot Date Gameplay FAQ in the HELP area.

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Here is the Baiyok from Thailand. This gorgeous building will look great in any downtown area.

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EA Sports, It's in the game. Now it can be in your game. Download the new EA Sports Cheerleader Skin!

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Here is the Frauenkirche from Germany. Head on over to the Unlimited Landmarks page to get one for your Sims today.

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Meet Kane -- the evil overlord of Westwood Studios Command & Conquer! He wants to rule the world, but how is he at home? Download him now to find out!

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This one is for all of the European fans out there. Here is the Semperopera in Dresden, Germany. A little bit of culture for all of your Sims.

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The Sims fansite community is always busy! More downloads, new sites, and more. Check out the Community Update.

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