
Nieuwsarchief - 2001

After all the positive response we got from our last tour, we have included a 2nd set of pictures of Maxis. Enjoy!

Go to Maxis Tour, we've also posted the tour on our website, under Goodies » Tours!

Aspyr has been hard at work bringing cool downloads for The Sims to the Mac. Head over to their site and see what's new today!

Go To Aspyr

For Valentine's Day, we're looking for the most romantic Sims stories out there. It's time for The Sims community to "Kiss and Tell"!

Go To SimDay Events

Ever wondered where we keep the llamas or what Will's scooter looks like? Now you can find out with our pictoral tour of Maxis! No ticket needed, but make sure you bring your smile.

Go to Maxis Tour, we've also posted the tour on our website, under Goodies » Tours!

Margie Boulé, columnist for The Oregonian, got a copy of The Sims for Christmas. And just like the rest of us, she can't seem to get it out of her head -- even when she's not at the computer!

Go To The Oregonian, or click read more below to read the column on our website.

The fans really got creative over the holidays. Check out these fun houses and stories from our Winter Wonderland contest!

Go To SimDay Events

It has been around for hundreds of years and no one can explain it. We're not sure what this means to your city, could be good, could be bad. Mysterious obelisks with secret meanings can be yours if you dare!

Go to Unlimited Landmarks

Sim Coaster is coming! Check out the Sim Coaster site to get the scoop on the next great Sim game. While you're there, play some cool carnival games like Bumper Boats, Penguin Shooter and Roller Coaster Round-up!

Go to SimCoaster




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