
Unleashed Preview On

donderdag, augustus 29, 2002 - 23:10

The has an interview with Unleashed Designer MaxisJenna. Pets, gardening, game tips, and more!

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The Sims Unleashed - An Inside Look

We were lucky enough to have Jenna Chalmers, a Designer from Maxis, take some time out of her busy day to answer our questions about the upcoming The Sims expansion, The Sims Unleashed. Not only did we get a sneak peek at some of the game's features, Jenna also gave us some gameplay techniques so that you can hit the ground running as soon start playing The Sims Unleashed.

GT: Will there be different sizes and breeds of dogs available?
JC: Unleashed offers over a dozen breeds of dogs and over a dozen breeds of cats! The breeds are unique in shape and color, but are similar in size.

GT: Will different pets have different ‘personalities’ or a set of traits like their Sim owners?
JC: Pets have their own unique personality traits: Quiet, Friendly, Playful, Smart, and Loyal

GT: Will the pets have ‘needs’ that their owners will have to tend to?
JC: Pets have needs just like their owners do, from Hunger to Bladder to Social.. Players will need to provide plenty of love, care, and other amenities if they are to keep their pets happy.

GT: How often do pets need to be fed and what happens if you neglect to do so?
JC: The food bowl holds several servings, so you probably won’t have to make it a daily chore, although it depends on how many pets you have in the family. Unfed pets will suffer the same fate as would other unfed family members, and depart for that happy hunting ground in the sky.

GT: Will unhappy pets run away from home?
JC: Yes, unhappy pets may leave and try to find the care they need from another family.

GT: Will there be any pet services available to help you care for your pets?
JC: You will find the Pet Trainer at the Pet Adoption Center. He has useful information about pet care and will be happy to help you train them for a fee.

GT: Will there be pet related objects such as dog houses and kitty toys?
JC: Absolutely! Many of the new objects in Unleashed are for pets. This includes houses, beds, toys, and many other things your pet is sure to enjoy. There are also lots of smaller pet objects, like bird cages, iguana tanks, and a new fish bowl.

GT: Will the pets ever misbehave? Will Sims need to keep their cats from eating their plants or their dogs from digging up their yards?
JC: Unhappy pets have many ways of communicating their displeasure to their owner. Turn your back on them and you might be surprised what they’ll be into!

GT: Will the parrots be able to speak Simlish?
JC: Yes, but does the Sim have high enough “charisma” to coax it out of him? The higher the charisma, the more likely you are to have success with these birds.

GT: Can the pets be taken to other areas? Will your Sim be able to walk his dog downtown?
JC: Pets can be taken all over Old Town and even to Vacation Island, but you’ll have to leave him behind on your trips to downtown.

GT: Will the dog help your Sim get dates?
JC: Having something in common to talk about is always a good strategy when trying to meet new people. Dog owners will definitely have fun talking about their pooches with each other. Ditto for cat lovers.

GT: Please tell us a bit about the pet shows: will they be interactive? Can you teach your pet tricks to perform at the shows?
JC: Preparing your pet by teaching him tricks, building his obedience skill, and keeping him in a good mood will help increase you chances at the Pet Show. To have your pet judged, pay the entry fee to the Kennel Club President, head toward the judging area and hope that your hard work will pay off.

GT: Besides the pet store, what other new shops will come with The Sims Unleashed? Will they be in their own separate area akin to Hot Date’s downtown?
JC: The Old Town areas of the neighborhood come with a variety of locations like cafés, parks, garden centers, and shops that sell items to take home like candle and wall masks. Unlike Hot Date’s downtown, Unleashed brings these areas into your own neighborhood. Players will now have 41 lots to build homes and/or community locations as they see fit.

GT: The Sims Unleashed will also allow Sims to do some home gardening. What types of plants will Sims be able to grow and will different plants require different care?
JC: Sims can choose to grow carrots, lettuce, green beans, or tomatoes. They all require watering and weeding…but watch out for pests. Bunnies are especially fond of carrots. Gardener Bob has lots of helpful hints to help you with your gardening. He can be found any place you can buy or sell vegetables.

GT: Will Sims be able to eat the fruits of their gardening labor?
JC: Yes. You may store the harvest from your garden or the veggies you buy at the market in a pantry. Once stocked, pantries can be the source of the family meal, similar to how refrigerators work.

GT: Can you giver gamers a little info on the new objects and skins included with the Sims unleashed? What are some of the more unusual or interesting skins that you have in store for players?
JC: Wow. There is sooo much. Where do I start?
Like I said, many of the new objects are items for cats and dogs, as well as several other caged animals like birds and turtles. In addition to the Old Town and pets stuff, some of my favorite new objects are new pieces of architecture like spiral staircases and wrought iron archways.
The new skins we added to Create-A-Sim are my new favorites. The new career skins are very cool also, especially for the Fashion, Animal Care and Circus career tracks.

GT: Is there anything else about The Sims Unleashed that you’d like to let players know about?
JC: Another tough one. A couple tips come to mind.
As far as pets go, dogs and cats require a lot of care in their first day’s home from the adoption center. While it may be tempting to buy several at once, for a smoother ride you may want to bring them home one at a time.
Likewise, may be tempting to plant large gardens, but they can take a lot of work. Start small and expand as you get the hang of it.
If you have a dog, try and meet other people with dogs, and same for cats . It may be easier to make and maintain a friendship with them.
The new expanded neighborhood has lots of room for new families. The more people that live in your neighborhood, the more possibilities for family friends and job promotions. To move families in fast, you may want to visit the Family Exchange on and download ready-made families built by other Sim fans.
Lastly, the new music in Unleashed is incredible! We hope you enjoy it.

GT: Thanks for your time, it is definitely appreciated!

The Sims Unleashed is dues to be released September 2002. We'll provide you with even more in-depth coverage of the game when it hits store shelves.



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