
GamersTemple Interviews Makin' Magic Producer Jonathan Knight

donderdag, september 11, 2003 - 23:20

"If you thought the world of The Sims was already pretty wild, wait until your sims start casting spells, making potions, and raising pet dragons at home!"

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The Sims Makin' Magic - An Interview with Jonathan Knight.

Gardening gnomes? Pink flamingo dancers? Skeletons in the closet? If you though the world of The Sims was already pretty wild, wait until your sims start casting spells, making potions, and raising pet dragons at home! It's all part of the enchanted expansion for The Sims, Makin' Magic, that is due out in time to have your sims practicing magic by Halloween.

We wanted to get a closer look at what happens when you mix magic and sims, so we asked the game's producer Jonathan Knight some questions about Makin' Magic and here is what he had to say:

GT: How does a Sim get started in the world of magic?

JK: A Magic Starter Kit is delivered to your front door by the Mysterious MagiCo Traveling Sales Rep. The Starter Kit contains a genuine MagiCo Wand Charger, Family Spellbook, Magic Portal, and three Starter Ingredients.

GT: How are spells cast and what does a Sim need to cast spells? Magic ingredients? Spell power? A big cauldron and a pointy hat?

JK: Spells are cast by clicking on another Sim, and using your magic wand (previously charged in your Wand Charger). There are also physical charms that can be created (with the EverAfter Crafter), and these hold magic properties that can be unleashed by clicking on them. Both spells and charms are created by combining secret ingredients into the Wand Charger (or EverAfter Crafter). Your Spellbook will clue you into the correct combination of ingredients.

GT: Will there be dark magic spells?

JK: “Mischievous” is probably a better word Happy Yes, not every spell is intended for good. There isn’t too much good that can come from turning someone into a toad or donkey, or even making a Sim cluck like a chicken, but it sure is fun!

GT: Will there be a magic skill for Sims? What can cause a spell to backfire and what are some of the negative consequences of spells gone bad?

JK: Mastery of certain skills help in the creation and effective casting spells. And spells backfire for all kinds of unique reasons, ranging from mood to time of day. Backfires can transform Sims, make creepy crawly reptiles appear on your lot, cause floods, and even make the little gnomes angry…

GT: Can Sims use magic on other Sims, say to catch the eye of a love interest or get rid of an unwelcome party guest?

JK: Of course! What good would magic be if you couldn’t use it to shortcut your way to romance? Happy

GT: Tell us a bit about the minions. If a Sim creates a skeleton maid or gardener gnome, will they have their chores done for free? Do gnomes do good work?

JK: Once you have a Skeleton Closet (get it?), then yes, the maid will be free ever after. And the gnomes do great work… just keep them away from your nectar.

GT: What happens once ghosts or mummies are summoned? Do they cause any trouble? Do they hang around until banished?

JK: No, they won’t hassle anyone. They’re summoned as part of the Spook Show act and behave… for the most part.

GT: Can Sims make money with magic or will they still need to keep their day jobs?

JK: There are all kinds of new ways that Sims can make money in The Sims Makin’ Magic, from bottling nectar, to selling homemade ingredients. Magic itself is usually not a money maker (although there is one spell called “Rain of Riches”), but magic can certainly replace some other activities that usually cost simoleons.

GT: Who are some of the Questing NPCs Sims will encounter?

JK: Magic Town is full of unique characters – including Vicki Vampiress and Apothecary Todd – but they are all genuine employees of the Sims’ MagiCo corporation.

GT: Where can the Questing NPCs be found? Will Sims need to do anything special to find them?

JK: Just visit Magic Town!

GT: What type of quests will Sims receive and what rewards will they get for completing them?

JK: Quests include simple deliveries, speed and coordination games, and complex puzzles. And there are a variety of secret ingredients as rewards for a job well done. There is also a dueling arena where you can match your wits and spells against other Magic Town visitors.

GT: Will Magic Town be a separate location similar to Downtown or Studio Town?

JK: A little bit of both. Like Downtown or Studio Town, it’s a new and fully customizable location. However, Magic Town is unique in two ways. First, you can either take the whole family there, or you can opt to just take a single Sim. And most importantly, Magic Town is the first location with additional residential lots, which can be earned through gameplay. Experienced magic Sims will be able to move into one of three brand new residential lots in the exclusive “Creepy Hollow” section of Magic Town.

GT: Can Sims perform magic at other locations such as Studio Town?

JK: Yes, they sure can!

GT: What kind of carnival rides will be in Magic Town? Can players customize or build their own rides?

JK: There are six rides in total, in two distinct themes: Carnival Clown and Haunted House. These rides can be connected to each other in any combination, and can also be linked with several additional track pieces. Once the ride is built just the way you want it, you can send one or more Sims through the ride, and let the mayhem ensue. The options for these rides are endless, and we can’t wait to see what combinations fans come up with.

GT: One of the new objects for the home is the Dragon Nest. Will players need Unleashed to hatch a pet dragon? How big will the dragon grow and will it set fire to everything?

JK: No, you do not need Unleashed to enjoy the pet dragon. Just buy the Dragon Nest (egg included) at Magic Town, bring it home, and take care of it. Depending on how well you care for the egg, different dragon personalities may emerge from the egg. Some personalities are more, well, fiery than others.

GT: Sims will now be able to grow grapes and berries to make nectar. What happens when Sims drink nectar?

JK: They’re not thirsty anymore!

GT: What are some of the new character skins included with Makin’ Magic?

JK: The Sims Makin’ Magic includes some of the wackiest character skins we’ve done, including witches, ogres, sprites, wizards, and a suite of renaissance clothes. But you have to cast magic to get to some of the best characters.

GT: Are there any hints or tips on making magic in Makin Magic that you can share with us?

JK: Read the Spellbook descriptions carefully since they contain clues on how to prevent spells from backfiring (or how to force them to backfire if you prefer).

GT: Thank you for your time, it is most appreciated!

The Sims Makin' Magic will be the last expansion game for The Sims, but should provide sims fans with plenty of magical fun while they await the release of The Sims 2. We'll keep you posted on new details about the game as the become available, and are looking forward to making a little magic of our own come October.



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