
Welkom bij De Sims 2! Deel 17

zondag, februari 22, 2004 - 22:00

Hello Everyone!

After the big news about Maxis moving last week and a fun Valentine weekend we are back to the grindstone on The Sims 2.

The old adage that clothes make the person may be true, but living spaces speak volumes about an individual as well. For The Sims 2, we're going out of our way to ensure that fans of the game have the power to create interiors that perfectly capture the mood, taste, and persona of the Sims who live there.

We're crafting a series of new objects and design tools that allow customization of individual objects. This will provide the nearly infinite variation to fully unleash your inner interior decorator. You won't believe the sheer power we put in your hands in The Sims 2.

If you don't believe us, check out these screenshots that showcase sophisticated, sexy spaces for your Sims. We have a couple gearing up for a night out (or perhaps they're getting ready for a sensuous night in?) on the town in a warm, stylish bedroom. Check out the soft lighting and sleek, modern appliances of this bathroom, complete with a male Sim luxuriating in a bubble-bath. Feeling peckish? Have a bite with these two Sims as they prepare sandwiches from the earth-toned comfort of their kitchen. Finally, appreciate beauty in all its’ myriad forms with this Sim-in-repose, surrounded by classic elegance as she has her essence, both inner and outer, captured in oils-on-canvas.

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Stay tuned for more details next week!





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