
Welkom bij De Sims 2! Deel 18

zaterdag, februari 28, 2004 - 22:00

Hello Everyone!

We have had another exciting week here at Maxis. Winter still has its grips on us, but we are starting to feel the call of Spring and the promise of romance that's in the air.

In The Sims 2 you can find love for your Sims in many exciting ways and surprising places. This telling filmstrip depicts a lonely woman looking for love and finding it right in front of her observant eyes. Watch as she gazes through the telescope to spy on the handsome guy next door before she makes her move. Take a look for yourself here:

The Sims 2

Beyond searching for love, use music to set the mood and turn up the heat. The Sims 2 will include a rich variety of new musical choices that add an extra acoustic touch for those special moments in your Sims' lives. In The Sims 2, you will be able to choose new music genres including R&B, Salsa, Bluegrass, and Heavy Metal. Plus, you will be able to drop your own MP3s directly into the music directory and play the tracks back on the stereo. You can even use shortcuts to where you keep your MP3s.

Here's one of my personal favorites from The Sims 2 that will put any Sim in the mood for some Spring lovin'.

Stay tuned for more details next week!





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