
Nieuwsarchief - 2004

Thanks to everyone that attended our chat event today. We will be posting the transcripts on for those of you that couldn't make it.

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De officiele website van The Urbz: Sims in the City is online.

Neem je Urbz mee naar het werk, waar ze het knap lastig hebben met hun baas, bijvoorbeeld in de Sushi Bar**, Chop Shop**, of bij Bootleg Fireworks, Inc**. Als je slaagt, krijg je welverdiende promoties en speel je nieuwe sociale vaardigheden vrij, waarmee je de andere Urbz kunt beïnvloeden.

Het flitsende leventje van The URBZ komt naar voren in spelelementen als uitdagingen op het werk, waarbij je de besturing helemaal zelf in handen hebt. Goed voor je carrière, vaardigheden en sociale interacties.

Using the new landscape architecture options found in The Sims 2 we tip our hats to Landscape Architects everywhere right from the comfort of our workstations.

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April has been an exciting month for The Sims 2 team as we prepare to head to the biggest show of the year in interactive entertainment: the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3. Every year, tens of thousands head to Los Angeles to witness the latest advances, marvels, and flat-out gorgeous eye candy that the industry has to offer.

The Sims 2

Er is een nieuwe Create a Sim (CAS) screenshot gevonden op GamePro.

Hi, Everybody

Spring is in the air, Earth Day is upon us, and the lesser known Landscape Architects Day is happening as well! On top of that, it's a gorgeous Californian April outside. I keep catching my team looking wistfully outside, blinking curiously at the sun, knowing that they must spend their day indoors, working on making The Sims 2 absolutely perfect. We suffer for you, people!

De Sims 2

Een nieuwe officiële screenshot!

The Sims are living in the city where reputation is everything. Players will custom-create these new Sims, called Urbz, by customizing their unique style and building their status to become the biggest "player" in the city.

* URBZ is the working title.

Read The Press Release




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