
Nieuwsarchief - 2004

We have posted more screenshots with eyecandy and some skins created in The Sims 2 Body Shop!

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How will your Sims keep fit? Here are a few new screenshots to show you some of your new options.

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Greetings, Sims Fans:

One of the great joys of working at Maxis is the excellent teams of people that I find myself surrounded by each and every day. The sense of humor and fun that you find in our games correlates directly with the people who create those games. You can rest assured that even during the most intense development period, where everyone seems to be working 'round the clock, the antics and good humor of team members shines through in ways that raise the collective spirits of all and gets us through our long, arduous days.

How will your Sims keep fit? Here are a few new screenshots to show you some of your new options.

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De organisatie van de TMF Awards heeft dit jaar de categorie ‘Best Game’ geïntroduceerd. Deze nieuwe categorie is in het leven geroepen om aan de wensen van de TMF doelgroep tegemoet te komen. Electronic Arts is de eerste games uitgever die de prestigieuze TMF Award voor ‘Best Game’ in ontvangst heeft genomen.

This Sunday, April 11th 2004, The Sims Resource will be holding a Live Sims Quiz at The Sims Chat. The Quiz is open to anyone and will be great fun to take part in, regardless how competitively you play. They have some fantastic prizes to give away to the winners as well as to random players.

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These screens show off the new Camera Mode, which allows you to travel around the game as if you were a Sim, and view the game from ground level instead of the typical bird's-eye view.

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De eerste prijswinnaars zijn bekend!

Uit de vele honderden inzendingen hebben we streng moeten selecteren. Vele inzendingen waren goed, maar er zaten ook een aantal fouten tussen.

Op de vraag onder welk label The Sims uitkomt was het goede antwoord uiteraard EA GAMES.

Op het forum vind je de namen van de 100(!) winnaars van de Sims sleutelhanger, deze kun je binnen korte tijd thuis verwachten.

Later vandaag maken we de winnaar van de Xbox spelcomputer met The Sims Erop Uit! bekend, hou de website dus goed in de gaten!




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