
De Sims 4 in The Sims Magazine

maandag, mei 6, 2013 - 23:18

SimsVIP heeft zojuist gepost dat De Sims 4 ook is aangekondigd via The Sims magazine. Ik heb er even een afbeelding van gemaakt. Hieronder kun je de aankondiging ook lezen:

Did you hear the news?  The Sims 4 is coming in 2014!

The Sims 4 celebrates the heart and soul of the Sims themselves, giving players a deeper connection with the most expressive, surprising and charming Sims ever in a single-player offline experience. The Sims 4 encourages players to personalize their world with new and intuitive tools while offering them the ability to effortlessly share their creativity with friends and fans.

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