
Sims Nieuws

4 feb 2000 - 22:00

Check out's review by reporter Ryan Thompson. Ryan says he "uses his godlike authority to create a better, stronger, single male..."

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First Impressions: The Sims (PC)

Brief: How does it feel to finally have a life?

After school today I picked up my copy of The Sims from EB. I was extremely excited about this title for a long time, and now I finally had it installed on my hard drive. Before starting a game I made sure to install EB's Official character pack, adding character models resembling a few familiar game personalities. The detail in The Sims is just amazing. I actually had a female Sim get angry at my male Sim for leaving the lid up on the toilet.

The following are the events that led to the fall of the Evils:

  1. Kane(from C&C fame)Evil and Notso Evil move into their new home, they are both single men who are roomates.
  2. Both find jobs, Kane finds a job as a mascot. Notso finds a job as a Mailroom worker. Movin' on up!
  3. Both are promoted at their jobs. They hold a party and invite the people nearby.
  4. Kane walks in on the wife of one of the guests in the bathroom. She gets upset and leaves the room. Notso flirts with her and makes her husband upset. Both leave.
  5. Kane apparently is jealous at the attention Notso is giving to the local women. Kane becomes depressed and quits going to his job. Two days later he receives a call telling him he is fired.
  6. Relations between Notso and Kane breakdown. A fight breaks out in the early morning hours, making Notso late for work. Kane cries, Notso yells.
  7. Burgler breaks into the House of the Evils, and steals pretty much everything. Both characters are depressed. Notso misses work. House is a wreck, everyone hates them.
  8. Ryan Thompson uses his godlike authority to create a better, stronger, single male and places him 3 blocks from The Evils. Let's hope this goes better.

So you can pretty much see taking on two Sims right from the start is probably a bad idea. I wasn't able to catch most of the events in screenshots because they are so unpredictable. I assure you, this entire story is true. We will have a full review up real soon.

-- Ryan Thompson

3 feb 2000 - 22:20

Check out's "Sim Sweepstakes" on Monday for a chance to have Maxis' Artists render you as a Sim.

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3 feb 2000 - 22:20

Check out's "Sim Sweepstakes" on Monday for a chance to have Maxis' Artists render you as a Sim.

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3 feb 2000 - 22:10

The Sims received's highest rating: a Direct Hit. Read the full review.

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The Sims Review

The idea of a "game" based upon the routine and banal lives of suburbanites sounded perfectly silly to us. Then we started to play it. Four days later, we realized we were hungry...

Just like in real life, chivalry is dead in The Sims. Those grease fires can really spoil the mood of an evening.

To say that The Sims is addictive is like saying that sex is "neat-o"; it doesn't quite capture the experience. When we first slid our copies of the game into our CD drives, they remained there -- for days. The ability to control, design, influence and sometimes destroy the lives of little virtual versions of ourselves is mysteriously engrossing. From the earliest tinkering with their personalities to the later bacchanalian orgies of polygamy by the pool, The Sims is our very own desktop melodrama. It's not perfect -- the graphics are dated, the game feels rather static, and climbing the career tree is not very rewarding -- but this is the only game we can remember that everyone in the office wants to play.

Although The Sims doesn't have the epic sweep of games like Civilization or the manic combat of Command and Conquer, it does have the same Siren's call of complete control. Players command every aspect of their SIMs's lives, from whether they get married to when (or if) they take a shower. Wisely there is a "free will" toggle that will allow SIMs to live autonomously, but we found it difficult to keep our hands off the scruff of their necks.

The game begins with a choice between controlling pre-existing SIMs or creating new ones. In the creation mode, players can design both the personality and the look of their cyber sea monkeys. Strangely, the are only five categories to a SIM's personality: neat, outgoing, active, playful and nice. It's not immediately obvious why these five traits were chosen, nor is it clear how "playful" is different from "outgoing." Players assign "points" to each of these traits to determine a SIM's personality, but once created, that SIM cannot be remolded.

The neighborhood screen allows you to get an overview of your sim-suburb. It's never too early to hit the sauce.

Gamers can choose to guide the life of a solitary bachelor or bachelorette, or they can stuff a house with up to 8 different adult or adolescent SIMs. Regardless of how many SIMs they've created, all players begin life with only $20,000, an amount that sadly stays fixed whether a player starts out with one SIM or a whole brood. There are some already built houses in the neighborhood, but the starting cash only provides access to a few, and we found it is a lot more fun to actually build our own places from scratch.

Once the game begins, the possibilities are enormous. A player can construct pathetic couch potatoes that only order pizza and spend too much time playing games on computers they really can't afford. Or create the scheming workaholic that only befriends people to advance a career. Players can live the swinging life and see how many women in the neighborhood will marry them -- the game supports polygamy but not divorce -- or ignore all the neighbors and live a lonely, unsatisfying life.

We like to start the day with a juicy half-pounder. A spacious kitchen is an easy way to keep your SIMs happy.

It's the social simulation that makes the game so fascinating. The first SIM we created was a miserable sod who had to get up every morning at 5:00 AM but always stayed up too late watching TV. The result was that his energy plummeted, his job suffered and he became too depressed to work out or look for a new job. And when his girlfriend started to hook up with another girl on the patio while he played pinball, we would have laughed if the damn thing didn't hit so close to home.

For the upstanding member of the community, there are 10 different career paths to choose. Unfortunately, Maxis hasn't done enough to differentiate those career paths and motivate players to replay the game and try different lives. When we reached the pinnacle of the crime profession, nothing changed. Life was exactly the same even to the absurd point that if we skipped a couple of days of work we could be fired. By whom? It would have been nice if each profession had something special about it, something as simple as a unique FMV sequence or just a few extra objects to buy. As it plays, getting to the top of a career is a bit of a letdown.

Whenever a family is not active in the game, they reside happily in the Don't forget to add ladders to your pool.

Bring Your MP3s
Tired of the canned music pouring from the steroes in The Sims? You can get your SIMs to play your favorite MP3s on any stereo in the game. Just add any .mp3 file to your C:\Program Files\Maxis\The Sims\Music\Stations\... directory. Don't create a new folder, just place the file into any of the four "stations" subdirectories and fire up the game. You can put more than one .mp3 in and have your SIMs switch to the next song to play your whole collection.

There are all sorts of little inconsistencies in The Sims that didn't ruin the experience for us, but did make us itch for more features. The graphics, although functional, are the same dated, 2D, tile-based sprites that we have seen since the original SimCity. A spiffy new 3D engine with a more agile camera would have been welcome, but considering the mammoth task of programming a game like this and the emphasis on expandability, the 2D engine was a safe move.

The game also has a rather static feel to it. Only a few passing moments are spent at the neighborhood screen; the rest of the time is devoted to managing a single household. But there is no way to take a SIM on a walk through the neighborhood or a trip to the mall. They are, instead, marooned in their homes. They only leave to go to work or school and must live by the phone, constantly inviting over other SIMs in order to satisfy the vital "social" requirements. As astonishingly accurate as some parts of the game are, we found this rather artificially limited.

There are only three levels of zoom, but we found ourselves pretty happy with the mid-range. Make sure you set a place for everyone or some friends may feel left out.

As with other SIM projects, whether Cities or Theme Parks, we found seeing progress represented visually is as addictive as ever. The building mode is well done, and given the possibility of user-made skins and objects, there will no doubt be a massive web community to support new features. We were constantly fiddling with our houses, expanding the pool, upgrading the sofa or trying new tile in the kitchen. Days before we were debating Unreal Tournament versus Quake 3. Now we bicker over the basic tenets of feng shui. And the addition of a scrap book and web page creator for the virtual family is a small, but nice, touch.

The Sims may not be for everyone. Players who don't care for micro -management will undoubtedly tire of telling Timmy when to go to the bathroom, but Maxis is betting that most of us are narcissistic control freaks. And given the way we toss Timmy around like a rag doll, they just might win that bet.

- Jim Preston

3 feb 2000 - 22:00

Het productieteam van The Sims is hard aan het werk; brainstormen, het creeëren en het bouwen van coole downloads! Op deze SimDay geven we je 5 nieuwe huizen en een fruitmachine om aan je spel toe te voegen.

Ga naar Downloads voor je spel

Valentino House Snooty House Hatfield House Hatfield House Jones House

Download de fruitmachine

1 feb 2000 - 22:00

Today we're announcing a whole new section on -- The Sims Exchange! When it goes live, owners of The Sims will be able to Teleport their Families, Houses and Albums to the Exchange, as well as search, browse and download new Families into their own Neighborhoods.

31 jan 2000 - 22:00

Will Wright is overal! Kijk eens wat hij zoal te vertellen had over The Sims op Interview

Exclusive Will Wright Interview

How difficult was it to create The Sims?

Daily Radar has been playing more of The Sims than is probably healthy, but torturing those little guys is just too much fun. In an effort to understand the twisted minds behind such an insidiously addictive game, Daily Radar went over to Will Wright's house, ate his food, fell in love with his wife and moved in just to see how he likes it. While we were lounging in our boxers on his sofa, we got a chance to ask him a few questions about his latest piece of work.

Exclusive Will Wright Interview

Daily Radar: How difficult or easy was it to create The Sims compared to previous projects?
Will Wright: Basically, it was the hardest one by far. Kind of [for two reasons], technically trying to recreate human behavior and then trying to sell the concept to everybody. I had an amazing amount of resistance to the idea for a long time.

DR: Even after the success of SimCity?
WW: Yeah. It's just that it does sound kind of crazy, doing a game about regular life. It just doesn't sound that compelling. It wasn't until I had actually gotten a prototype up and running, where you could actually interact with people and move them around and do things that people, I think, started to get a sense of how interesting it would be.
On the technical side, we really wanted the behavior to be expandable after we shipped the game. We really wanted it to be as open-ended as we could possibly make it. And that really put some heavy loads on the behavior engine, so engineering the simulation was the biggest technical hurdle.
There's the how much do we try to simulate [problem], and then there's the how deep do we go with that [problem]. And whenever you give the user design tools, like designing the house, you have to really think hard about all the weird stuff they are going to try to do. Because the first thing people like to do in a simulation is explore the boundaries of it. So they'll sit there and push it in every weird direction they can think of just to see where it breaks down. That's the real difficulty with simulations. You have to really think about what are going to be the boundaries of that simulation, and then decide what's going to happen when you hit those boundaries.

DR: Back in the Apple II and C64 days, David Crane at Activision made a game called Little Computer People. Did you ever play it?
WW: Yeah, I had a friend who had it, and he sent it to me. Actually I got to know one of the producers on that, a guy named Rich Gold; he saw some early version of The Sims. And we talked about simulators quite a bit. I thought it was a really cute idea. Back at that point in time, just about half the games developed were really creative. All the genres weren't done to death already. It was really refreshing.
The interesting thing about [Little Computer People] was how much people empathized with this little character on the screen. I know a lot of people that got really upset when they didn't feed him and he would die. It didn't have much in the way of simulation. I think you hit the boundaries of that way too soon. But then again, with the computers that were around, it really was a great piece of work.

We really wanted it to be as open-ended as we could possibly make it.

DR: OK. To get back to The Sims, there have been some interesting gameplay decisions, but the one that a lot of people around the office have been asking is why are there no weekends in the sim-suburbs?
WW: Well, if we had done weekends, all of a sudden you would have wanted a calendar, and you would have been focused on calendar time. And as soon as we did that, you would start realizing that there are no seasons and no holidays. It would start bring up a lot of issues that we kind of dealt with, but at the expense of things we did instead. So, rather than have people focus on calendar time, I really wanted people focusing on daily time.
We structured that game such that if you have a job, you can take a day off at any time, and you just don't get paid. So you can basically structure your own weekends in the game, as you need them. You can take every other day off if you want to, but if you take two days off, you lose your job. So we wanted to keep the game more immediate.

What's the deal with all the bisexuality?

DR: Some of us have noticed that the politics of The Sims is a little...uh, liberal. For example, the characters are functionally bisexual and polygamy is a viable option. Are all you guys at Maxis really that progressive?
WW: [laughs] Well...there was one thing that we had as a design goal all along, and that was that anybody should be able to model their family. So we had long, involved discussions on how far we would go on issues of sexual orientation and violence. Those are the two big issues.
So there are a couple things we decided we didn't want to allow, like child abuse for instance. For domestic violence, we kind of have different levels of it. In other words, the men can really get into fistfights, and the woman can too. There are slap animations where you can have them slap each other. And then men can really slap each other hard, but the women have the more polite kind of "British Army" slap. So there were a lot of things where we kind of [walking] this thin line or walking though a mine field, and we were just trying to take the most prudent path through this mine field.
And the sexual orientation thing was similar. They won't exhibit gay relationships autonomously, whereas they can exhibit heterosexual relationships autonomously. But you can drive them to gay relationships, if that's what you are trying for.

But you can drive them to gay relatioships, if that's what you are trying for.

DR: Do you have any multiplayer plans for the future of The Sims?
WW: Actually I'm spending most of my time right now studying just that. I'm trying all the multiplayer games I can. But with a lot of the multiplayer games out there, I'm not exactly compelled to have social interaction with the other players. I don't mind blowing them up, hacking monsters side by side, but I don't really want to talk to these people.
I need to figure that out first. To me that's the primary thing. I need to figure out why I would want to go online and interact with total strangers.

DR: Why can't SIMS do things like go to the market or go to the movies or even something as simple as go over to another SIM's house?
WW: That goes back to defining the boundaries of the simulation. We could have put in something where you actually went and saw their work. But we would have to do a lot of the stuff that we do currently but at a much lower level. In other words, we would have to lose a lot of features. So we made a decision that we were going to do the domestic side of the house really well and leave the rest of it offstage.
In terms of visiting each other's house, you can, but only by running the other family and then inviting them over. We thought about that quite seriously, but we decided this wasn't as fun as being the host and having much more control options. So it really comes down to there is only so much we could do, and we had to pick and choose our fights.

DR: Sure. But what about the graphic engine? It has the very familiar SimCity 2D, sprite-based engine. But was there any temptation to got to 3D engine or would that limit expandability too much?
WW: It doesn't really limit expandability. It has a lot more to do with editing and user-interface. We really wanted the editing of the house to be simple and intuitive, very much like SimCity. As soon as you start having to move a free roaming camera around, that gets very hard to do.
Also, there were a lot of technical and user-interface issues. The camera you have right now has three levels of zoom and four rotations, so there are a small number of options. If you could move the camera around wherever you want to, you get into all a lot of issues of situation awareness.
One of things I did a while back was that I went out and bought most of the decent home-design programs that were on the market. And I spent a lot of time playing with those, and it's interesting because even the easiest to use of those is quite difficult to edit. There seems to be a very firm relationship between ease-of-use and resolution. So, if I have a design package that lets me place things down to an inch resolution, it's much more difficult to use than something that lets me place things down to a foot or a meter.
So if you try to recreate your house with something like Broderbund's 3D Home Architect, you can do it more accurately than you can in The Sims, but it will take you over ten times longer. It is interesting, because I think a lot of people are buying those programs for fun, because if you look at how many they sell, it's tremendous amounts. And I know not that many people are designing their own homes. So I think a lot of people are buying those as toys, but those programs are designed to take a lot of fun out of it.

So, how cruel are you to your SIMs?

DR: The Sims has been very popular with everyone in the office but especially with women. Was this a conscious effort on your part, or did you design a game that you were interested in and hope that it would have broad appeal?
WW: I would say the [latter]. Although, all along, I was hoping this would appeal more to women than a lot of games. I don't think that the game is geared to women, but that it is a little more balanced compared to most games. One of the things about it is that there are a lot of different activities you can engage in. Some people totally get into the [SIMs] and that's all they care about. Other people, like little boys, will spend the whole time designing the house, and they almost never go into live mode. Other people are totally into the shopping. I think it's more than just about having a game with a broad range of approaches.

DR: Well, as a follow up, do you think the industry as a whole has done enough to reach out to women, or is it too focused on male-centered games?
WW: I think it's too centered on testosterone games. But I enjoy those too; I loved Half-Life, and I play Tribes a lot. But there are so many people doing those so well, and there are so many other potential genres that no one is even touching, that I love to see some of that talent exploring other types of games.
I really enjoy first-person shooters, but there are obviously several groups out there that really know how to build those things well. So I would see that we have a surplus of expertise in that area and a deficit of expertise in a lot of other areas that could be just as cool.

Well, there is one thing I have a lot of fun with...

DR: Here at Daily Radar, our favorite way to be cruel to the SIMs is to build an enormous hedge maze and then put the fridge at the end of that maze just to watch them pass out from exhaustion. What's your favorite way to inflict suffering on your SIMs?
WW: [laughs] Well, there is one thing that I have a lot of fun with. I use the pool tool to design a Pac-Man maze. Then I put one man and two women in the pool and then I take the ladders away so they couldn't get out. I would then make both the women madly in love with the guy, then I would only drive the guy, and I wouldn't control the women. So I had to keep him away because as soon as one of them caught him and kissed him, I would lose. It did an amazing job of recreating Pac-Man. I actually copied down a Pac-Man maze, and their routing is pretty good. So they'd be zeroing in on the guy and I'd be trying to drive him with the "go here" clicks. It was just like playing Pac-Man!

DR: Now that The Sims is on the shelves, what games are your trying to get caught up on?
WW: Well, like I said, I'm checking out a lot of the multiplayer games right now. I've been playing Everquest, Tribes and will probably try Quake III soon. And I am really looking forward to Team Fortress 2.

DR: Cool. Thanks for the time Will.
WW: No problem.

30 jan 2000 - 23:00

Luc Barthelet writes about SimCity 3000 and The Sims.

A letter from Luc Barthelet, the General Manager of Maxis.

Dear Sim Fans,

Thank you for the success of SimCity 3000. In 1999, our favorite game was the top PC game in North America and an incredible success around the world. This would not have been possible without you. You made the most interesting game site ever, and created cities and buildings to share with all our friends and SimCity users. Thank you also for an incredible level of support from all the Webmasters that created and maintained hundreds of sites dedicated to SimCity. The strength of this community has inspired and motivated us to find even more interesting ways to support our fans.

We are now shipping The Sims, the new game from Will Wright, “The Living Legend”. This is a very exciting moment, as we all believe that this game has even more potential than SimCity. This is the most creative game to be released in a long time, and after playing it for several hundred hours already, I can say that it has more staying power than anything else I have ever seen.

While we were developing The Sims, we noticed how players would begin to tell complex stories around what their Sims were doing on screen. So we added features to The Sims to make this storytelling easier. As you play The Sims, you can take snapshots of game scenes at any time. These pictures are saved in a photo album along with comments you add. This photo album can then be posted on the Web to share with the world. We’ve found those stories to be so interesting that Maxis will soon launch a “stories” exchange to host the best houses and stories from Sims’ players.

Meanwhile at Maxis, we are continuing our development efforts. We want to continue to provide you with interesting content and downloads for The Sims on SimDay (Thursday). And of course we are working on other games. But for now, enjoy The Sims. Have a nice SimDay, I am going back to take care of my Sims.


Luc Barthelet
MaxisLuc on AOL Instant Messenger
GM by Day, Mayor by Night

30 jan 2000 - 23:00

Luc Barthelet writes about SimCity 3000 and The Sims.

A letter from Luc Barthelet, the General Manager of Maxis.

Dear Sim Fans,

Thank you for the success of SimCity 3000. In 1999, our favorite game was the top PC game in North America and an incredible success around the world. This would not have been possible without you. You made the most interesting game site ever, and created cities and buildings to share with all our friends and SimCity users. Thank you also for an incredible level of support from all the Webmasters that created and maintained hundreds of sites dedicated to SimCity. The strength of this community has inspired and motivated us to find even more interesting ways to support our fans.

We are now shipping The Sims, the new game from Will Wright, “The Living Legend”. This is a very exciting moment, as we all believe that this game has even more potential than SimCity. This is the most creative game to be released in a long time, and after playing it for several hundred hours already, I can say that it has more staying power than anything else I have ever seen.

While we were developing The Sims, we noticed how players would begin to tell complex stories around what their Sims were doing on screen. So we added features to The Sims to make this storytelling easier. As you play The Sims, you can take snapshots of game scenes at any time. These pictures are saved in a photo album along with comments you add. This photo album can then be posted on the Web to share with the world. We’ve found those stories to be so interesting that Maxis will soon launch a “stories” exchange to host the best houses and stories from Sims’ players.

Meanwhile at Maxis, we are continuing our development efforts. We want to continue to provide you with interesting content and downloads for The Sims on SimDay (Thursday). And of course we are working on other games. But for now, enjoy The Sims. Have a nice SimDay, I am going back to take care of my Sims.


Luc Barthelet
MaxisLuc on AOL Instant Messenger
GM by Day, Mayor by Night

30 jan 2000 - 22:00

Check out the All Games Network for a video demo of The Sims. Maxis' PR Manager Patrick Buechner will explain it all!

All Games Network Demo




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