

17 feb 2005 - 22:30

Bekijk De Sims 2 Studentenleven terwijl Senior Producer Tim LeTourneau je een rondleiding in De Sims 2 Studentenleven geeft.

Watch The Sims 2 University in action as Senior Producer Tim LeTourneau gives you a video tour of The Sims 2 University.

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The Sims 2 University

We get another quick look at the first expansion and prepare to send a familiar face off to school.

We had a chance to see an updated look at The Sims 2 University last night. While we've seen most of the things that they were showing, we did get a chance to see a few new things that pleased us. Yes. Pleased. As was the case with the parent product, University has a ton of personality going into it. We saw a ton of new animations that any fan of the original will love, new gadgets, and received a copy of the game to play.

Coincidentally, Jimmy (you remember Jimmy, right?) at some point managed to have sexual relations with another sim in a town somewhere in Canada. While no one believed him, it's quite obvious that this young man is, in fact, the sum of Jimmy's life and love (ew). So Jimmy did the only thing any parent could do when he finds out that he has a son that wants to be part of his life. He sent him off to school so he wouldn't have to deal with it. I'll be sharing the adventures of Jimmy Jr. at university in the next couple of weeks with all of the fun and frolic that you might expect from a college experience. Judging by all of the great things to play with in the expansion, this should be an interesting ride.

Jr. will have to begin his career in dorm life, just like everyone else that enters college for the first time. This means he'll have his own private room, but will have to live with a bunch of other sims, which could be disastrous. The dorms is where first friendships can be formed and the game really starts playing. And that seems to be the thing. University will be more like a game than The Sims 2 was. There will actually be small objectives that each of the characters will want to carry out that will be long term goals. Along with that, because of the time suck that is school, balancing relationships with study and the need to make money will be a big one.

Of course, studying is the big money maker. Good grades mean good grants coming from the school. But for those sims that actually want to live the life and have some fun, they might want to get a job at the coffee shop or bar. Or perhaps, if their creativity is good enough, they might actually want to pick up an instrument at the local community center and play a jam for some cash. Earning the extra dough will allow sims to purchase better equipment and even move out of the dorms into better digs.

Extra money will allow for the purchase of some great things. In fact, there are a lot of new items being put in the game, but the most interesting are personal items. New vending machines will now allow sims to buy personal equipment for a certain price such as cell phones and MP3 players. After purchase, these objects will always be with the sim.

The Sims 2 University

Those looking to pick up quick cash without having to do any work can always move down the dark path. Along with Fraternities and Sororities (neither of which are gender biased) are secret societies. These hang outs are for the underbelly of the college world. For inside of these beasts sit computers that can hack into grades and counterfeiting machines that can make you some cash easily. The only concern for those that take part is getting caught by the police. Higher skills will help criminals avoid the police for as long as possible, but as we saw last night, the police will eventually show up, lecture the character, and confiscate both money and possessions as a penalty. Jimmy Jr. should fit in nicely with this group, assuming they accept him.

In order to be part of a secret society (or sorority or fraternity for that matter) you have to get to be friends with someone on the inside. The secret society is a bit harder simply because you have to find one of the members wearing the right clothes and become friends with them.

Having lots of friends is a big goal for many sims, especially in college where half of the fun is partying and hooking up. There are a lot of new social items to make things easier as well. Bonfires, fruit barrels (they look like pineapples now and are pretty much kegs) and bubble blowers (that resemble hookahs) are the most noticeable. But other items of a more private nature are also available, including new career rewards. These include the new plastic surgery machine, which allows players to change their sim faces (just watch out for the malfunction that causes... unfortunate changes in appearance); a camera that allows players to set up pictures with their sims, snap photos, and hang them on the walls; the book of the dead that allows players to bring dead sims back as zombies (there's nothing quite as entertaining as seeing a horrifically ugly zombie streaking down the street); and a predatory cow plant that eats and then can be milked for Elixir of Life (which for those that don't remember, extends the life of sims).

There's a lot of stuff going into The Sims 2 University. Hopefully Jimmy Jr. will be able to uncover much of it in the course of his "studies" at college. You can be sure he'll be pulling all kinds of pranks and cause general mayhem. Look for all the gory details in the next couple of weeks. If son is anything like father, things should be quite interesting.

17 feb 2005 - 22:20

Bekijk hoe 2 verschillende bands de menigte laten genieten op een Studentenleven feestje.

17 feb 2005 - 22:10

3 heerlijke Studentenleven wallpapers zijn nu beschikbaar in de Get Cool Stuff afdeling. Download de jouwe vandaag nog!

Ga naar GetCoolStuff!

De Sims 2 Studentenleven De Sims 2 Studentenleven De Sims 2 Studentenleven
17 feb 2005 - 22:00

Help hun vijfde verjaardag vieren! Ze hebben een nieuwe wedstrijd waarmee je De Sims 2 Studentenleven kunt winnen!


15 feb 2005 - 22:00

Greetings All,

Love is in the air at Maxis. OK, that sounds really cheesy, but the Cupid upload did appear on today as our little Valentine's gift to you.

It's also a good time to point out an important feature of The Sims2 University for the loyal players. As many of you know, "young love" only lasts so long in The Sims 2, especially with Townies. We really wanted players to be able to have the experience of seeing their high school sweetheart Sims go off to school together and eventually get engaged and even married. We've added the ability to take any teenage Sim (even Townies) off to college. You can now select Townie Sims as students and move them into dorms; when you do, they become playable Sims that you control. After graduation, they are to the Family Bin back in the neighborhood. So you can finally have two teens fall in love, become Young Adults together, get engaged, and then marry. Finally, you can age your teenage Townies!

As another little V-Day T-Mail gift, here are a couple cool screens for the occasion with a The Sims 2 University touch.

The Sims 2 University The Sims 2 University The Sims 2 University

Talk to you soon,


14 feb 2005 - 22:20
De Sims 2

Op zoek naar exclusieve nooit eerder vertoonde screenshots van De Sims 2 Studentenleven?

Download dan de Sims Screensaver! Een screensaver helemaal in het teken van de nieuwe expansion die op 10 maart uitgebracht zal worden.

Klik hier om de screensaver te downloaden.

14 feb 2005 - 22:10

Vandaag is de Sims community helemaal in Valentijn sfeer! De burgemeesters kunnen je alles vertellen over deze speciale dag op de community!

Het woord van de burgemeesters vind je links in het midden op de startpagina van de community.

14 feb 2005 - 22:00

Verklaar je liefde en deel het met de wereld met dit Cupido's Commando's ActieAmor! Beeldje!

Het allereerste door de liefde verteerde paramilitaristische kunstenaarscollectief 'Cupido's Commando's' heeft dit beeldje ontworpen om jou de kans te geven je romantische bedoelingen aan iedereen duidelijk te maken op een manier waar niemand omheen kan. Dit schat-ti-ge marmeren beeldje stelt 's werelds meest bekende boogschuttertje voor: Cupido, de god der liefde. ActieAmor! is vereeuwigd in een karakteristieke pose en klaar voor actie met pijl en boog. Deze perfecte aanvulling op huizen, parken en grasvelden in alle vormen en maten verovert vast ook een plekje in jouw hart!


De Sims 2
11 feb 2005 - 22:20

"After a rowdy Freshman year, however, her adventures have only begun. This week we peek in and learn about choosing a major, new career options, jobs around campus and more..."

Lees de brieven!

Sims University: Letters Home Part 2

By Dave Kosak

What better way to see the upcoming Sims 2 expansion pack than through the eyes of a Sim herself? We peek in on her correspondence!

Fortunately for us fans of The Sims 2 eager for news about the upcoming expansion, GameSpy recently got permission to republish some letters from an actual student of The Sims 2 University. In our first batch of letters she talked about adjusting to life on campus, life in the dorms, and rushing a sorority. After a rowdy Freshman year, however, her adventures have only begun. This week we peek in and learn about choosing a major, new career options, jobs around campus and more...

Dear Mom and Dad,

The Sims 2I gotta say, it's nice not to be a lowly Freshman anymore. There wasn't much ceremony when I began my sophomore year -- aside from a very positive pop-up text message from the school -- but the important thing is I'm moving up in the world. Oh! And I forgot to tell you, just by making it to my sophomore year I got additional grant money from the school. Because my grades were good it was pretty substantial. Right away I bought a minifridge for our sorority lounge.

Actually, keeping up the Sorority house is more work than I thought. I know I'm only a sophomore, but I really feel like I'm in charge of this place -- I'm in control of all seven of my sisters. Every one of them all brought home grants, so for a while it seemed like we were rolling in dough. But we couldn't just sit around and enjoy it. See, in order for our sorority to stay popular we have to keep making lots of friends and we have to keep being social in order to attract fresh meat. I mean, new rushes who we can boss around.

The Sims 2
Everybody loves pool! Check out that funky bar -- I'll have to get one for the sorority house.

That's why we threw a massive bender of a party last weekend. We bought some arcade machines and a pool table to make the place a little more hip, and for a while the place was packed. Naturally I wanted to protect the investment by putting sprinklers everywhere in case Maryanne tried to burn the place down with her mac & cheese again.

But Grubs -- you remember Grubs from my other letters, right? No, I didn't invite him, but I think he's dating Maryanne and Brittney simultaneously, so he shows up. It turns out that Sims can set off all the sprinklers by holding a lighter under one of them. Real funny, Grubs. I think he wanted to see all of my sisters come running out in wet tee-shirts. I coulda strangled him.

Anyways, the party was a huge hit but now I think we all need new furniture, and I don't know where we're gonna get the cash-money. I mean, Simoleons don't grow on trees. Well, most of the time they don't.

I may have to get a job. I'll tell you about it in my next letter.

Dead Mom and Dad,

I suppose I should really bury the hatchet with Grubs, because he helped me get a job today. Earning some extra simoleons around campus isn't all that difficult, it turns out. So there I was, checking out the little mall we have on campus here, and I see Grubs standing on the street corner. He's just ... standing there ... rapping. Singing about big butts.

Turns out you can earn tips just by rapping. "Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked him. He explained that you can always cut class if you'd rather be making money. And besides, "chicks dig on the whole rap thing," he said.

Before I could beg to differ, he jutted a thumb over his shoulder and pointed out that the coffee shop is hiring as well. That was awesome, because I can't rap. I can certainly pour coffee, though. All you have to do is walk up to the guy at the counter and ask to work there, and you can put on the uniform and take his place. Unlike the 'real' jobs that you guys have, I can show up and work for a few hours whenever I want. The pay isn't that great, but I get to meet a lot of people and work the whole social angle, which helps my sorority.

The Sims 2
Working at the coffee house doesn't bring in a ton of money, but it's a great way to meet hot guys.

There are plenty of other jobs on campus. I could be a bartender or a lunch lady. I could also be a tutor or a personal trainer. Working a few extra hours a day really takes its toll, though -- I've got to get some sleep so that my grades don't suffer. I've saved up enough for a shopping spree, though: I'll let you know how it goes in my next note.

Yo Mom and Dad,

I have a confession to make. For weeks now I've drooled over the lip-shaped sofa. The sisters complain that it doesn't really fit into our classic Victorian sorority house, but I know a quality investment in furniture when I see it. "Looka dis reda suede!" barked the salesman. "Italian lippa sofa! Very popular, yes!"

I bought two, the arranged them across the lounge as though the kitchen was about to passionately kiss the living room.

That's not all. There's so much more furniture available than there was back home. There's a "Groovy" furniture set, which allowed me to sex up our whole downstairs with 60s-era chic. "Medieval" furniture is also available, although it's not my thing.

Grubs is also furnishing his own frat house, having rebuilt most of it after he and his psycho band-mates nearly burned it down. He's going for the "worn" look, that is, he's buying ratty old couches and recliners (from yard sales, I assume.) They've got springs sticking out and duct tape on all the corners.

He also bought a "juice barrel" for parties. He rolls up the barrel and a huge crowd forms. He's nicknamed his fraternity "I Felta Thigh." I work so hard to build up my sorority's reputation, and here he's managed to be the big man on campus with some juice and duct tape.

Still, my sisters and I managed to find our own groove. You can buy a "Bubble Blower" that several people can share. It's a big hit! Er, not literally, I mean -- I swear mom, it's just bubbles.

Dear Mom and Dad,

Heard you got a bubble blower of your own. Don't go too crazy with that thing. Grubs was here last weekend blowing bubbles with Maryanne until 2 AM, then got the brilliant idea to put soap in the campus fountain.

Anyways, my sophomore year is almost over. Can you believe it? I'm nearly halfway through college! Anyways, once you start school, you can pick a major any time you want. However, by the end of your sophomore year, you have to declare.

The Sims 2
This sweet camera is a career reward object, but my councilor let me try it out.

All this week I've been doing my research. Sim State has a ton of great programs! Majors include Art, Biology, Drama, Economics, History, Literature, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and Psychology.

I've been leaning toward the Political Science program, because my dream is to someday be an actress and Poli Sci really builds up the social skills. The classes require that I build up my charisma, creativity, and body development. It's good training for the political or military career track too, obviously. No Dad, I'm not going into the Sim Army like you. Sorry!

Picking a major is easy. I just picked up the phone and called the college registrar to get a list of my options. It was that fast!

The classes that I take now that I've declared my major are awesome. This semester I'll be studying "Protestors: When to Oppress." Next year I'll follow it up with "Patriotism: Why Every Country is Worse than Yours," and after that "Lab: Make Your Own Monarchy."

My grades are still holding up, so my future looks bright. Speaking of which, I'm meeting my career councilor in a few minutes, so I'll let you go. I'll tell you all about it in my next letter.

Dear Mom, Dad, and my new Sister!

Wow, congratulations guys! I didn't even know you could have kids at your age. I knew that bubble-blower would lead to trouble. I'm not saying you're too old for me to have a sister or anything. I just mean, wow. Medical miracle!

Anyways, my career councilor tried to talk me out of my dreams of entering the new Show Biz career track. He said that it was tons of hard work and no respect. He said that I would end up as a commercial actor, and that I would leave for work every morning wearing a giant french-fry-head costume. But I'm willing to pay my dues. Think of the glamour!

The Sims 2
When they're not partying, the guys at Grubs' frat house watch the new Sports channel all day.

Other careers include a career in the paranormal, a career track for an artist, or a job in the natural sciences. These careers are all special. That is to say, you can only enter them if you're a college graduate. Sorry Mom, sorry Dad! The careers are more challenging, anyways, and they all assume you have a college education to build off of. But if you send my Sister to Sim State in a few years, maybe she can get in while the getting is good?

Speaking of getting good, I just finished my sophomore year! Grant money, here I come! It just flew by, didn't it? It sure took Grubs by surprise. He never declared, so by default he ended up as a Philosophy major. Go figure. His first class is called "Who Controls the Pie Menu and Why?"

Like I said in my earlier letters, every time you complete a year of college you get a perk of some sort. As I finished my sophomore year, the college popped up a little text window for me that asked if I was doing what I wanted to do in life, then gave me the opportunity to switch my life's ambition. I didn't take it, though. I'm all about being popular, and that's the way it's going to stay.

Oh yah, one more thing before I go. There's something weird going on on this campus. There are people strolling around in dark blazers with little llama crests on them. They never seem very talkative and this morning I saw one step into a limo and drive off. What's the deal? I'll have to investigate. I'll let you know what that's all about in another letter. Meanwhile, my work is never done. Off to class!

11 feb 2005 - 22:10

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