

16 dec 2004 - 22:20

"Once a student has managed to graduate, four new careers will be unlocked to them adding even more reward to gameplay."

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The Sims 2 University

The Sims finally goes to school!

If you've read about The Sims 2 at all on this site, you'll know that we regard the game and the series with some fondness. For all of the ribbing we've given the game because of its outrageous sales numbers, it's easily one of the strangest and most interesting interactive entertainment series that we've ever really seen on any of the platforms. The Sims 2 simply added a healthy helping of features and improvements that made the game more interesting from both a creative and gameplay perspective. One of the biggest additions was the addition of life cycles letting sims could be born, grow up, grow old, and die. And because of this big addition, the crew at Maxis were finally able to create something they've wanted to from the beginning, have sims find their way to college! A while new segment of life called "Young Adulthood" has been added to take advantage of that impressionable age and create the first expansion (there will certainly be more) called The Sims 2 University.

After a teen sim has managed to wade through the confusion of high-school, first loves, and graduation, they can take the option to move off to a university and begin a new section of life. These characters officially become their own family to represent their newfound independence (though they retain the last name and will eventually be able to move back home) and will have to start nearly from scratch. Friends from home can also come to the university, but for the most part, all of your Sims will have to meet and interact with a slew of NPC students.

Each neighborhood in The Sims 2 University will come with a university town associated with it. Sims from different neighborhoods won't be able to go to the same university, but that doesn't mean there won't be plenty of students to interact with at school. On the contrary, there will be plenty of trouble for your budding adults to get into like pranks, parties, frats, sororities, secret societies, cheating, stealing, working... pretty much everything you need as a student. But before any sim can get any of these things, they have to move in...

One thing about going to college is the relative restrictions it will place on an entry year student. If you've been to a university of any sort in real life and lived in the dorms, you'll probably remember that knocking down walls and redesigning was... frowned upon. Such will be the case here. When moving into a dorm, each student will get a private room (noted by the picture of the sim that owns it on the door) which they can decorate with items and wall hangings. No reconstruction allowed. Students will have to wait for any real creative outlet until they move out to other housing.

The Sims 2

One of the really interesting things about moving into a dorm is the fact that your sims will, for the first time, be living with NPC sims. They act like any of the townies that your sims interact with on a regular basis. The only difference is that they're around all the time and will create interesting clashes of personality that you might not normally see in a perfectly crafted household. In order to keep some mystery about the students as well as help on the system requirements, these NPC rooms will fade out when a sim you control isn't physically in that space. The neat thing is that you can see what each of the NPC sims is doing inside their room such as having fun, studying, or whatever else it is they do so you can know whether to send your own sims in to socialize. An especially cool feature is that these NPCs can now be brought into the neighborhood as controllable characters, allowing relationships to grow and these sims to age.

Once your sim get fed up with living in such cramped quarters, they'll have to make enough money to afford moving elsewhere. While each student will be given scholarship money (it's still up in the air if the amount will be affected by high-school performance), they'll have to look into other means of keeping the cash flowing into their pockets. Plenty of new odd jobs will be available for students that need the extra influx such as working in a cafeteria, bartending, and hustling at billiards. If they're on the devious side of things, there are other routes to "making" money that I'll get into in a second.

Once a sim has enough money and has managed to make friends with the right people, fraternities and sororities will become available. Brothers and sisters of the Greek system will invite sims they like into their respective houses and begin a pledging period. If any of your sims have the weighty "responsibility" of being an active brother or sister in the house, they can use their influence over the younger pledges to get them to do things. We're not talking elephant chain here, but cleaning the house, doing homework, or pulling pranks are way up on the list.

Houses like these will let players more easily throw parties thanks partly to the new objects that allow your sims to enjoy themselves more. Items such as the "juice barrel" on which players can do keg stands... of juice, or the multi-hosed bubble blower shaped like a gigantic mushroom where sims can sit on cushions and enjoy all the happiness that... bubble blowing brings.

Meeting the right people can also lead to more interesting propositions. On every campus is a secret society that will only open up and even be visable on the map once a sim has been accepted. Members of this society can not only hack into the campus computer to change their grades but will also be able to use the special counterfeiting machine to keep their coffers full. Of course, there are some risks involved with these kinds of activities. While Maxis isn't certain how much random coincidence will be involved, the police will find out about these nefarious actions and come to arrest your scrawny little sim's butt and throw him or her in jail. Whoopsies!

The tricky thing for these student sims will be keeping all of their responsibilities in line. Making money and friends is great, but if the grades start coming down, the scholarship goes away and students will have to leave school and become a working stiff like the rest of us. If they can manage to graduate, several awards wait for good students that are hard to ignore. Thankfully, influence can play a pretty good role in keeping these needs filled for sims that like to party more than study. This special kind of currency is built up through gaining friends and keeping them. Influence can then be spent to get other sims to do certain tasks. For example, it's actually possible for a sim to make his or her way through school without actually doing much homework if they're popular enough and have the influence to spend.

Each semester, those that manage to do well in class will be presented with the opportunity for reward. For instance, after the first year sims will add a new want slot giving more options for sims to increase their status while after the second year the one time ability to change aspirations will be made available. So a financial character might decide to switch his or her focus to romance. That seems to do a good job mimicking the great changes that many students undergo during the college experience.

Once a student has managed to graduate, four new careers will be unlocked to them adding even more reward to gameplay. While EA doesn't want to let the cat out of the bag about all of them yet, we did get a chance to talk a little about two of them today. One, the paranormal career, will obviously focus on the "science" of those things that are not quite of this world. The career reward item actually allows sims to resurrect the dearly departed! It's an interesting twist made even more interesting because an amount of money must be paid to the grim reaper in order to get dead sims back. Pay too little and the resurrected character may just wish he or she was back in the grave. If the reaper complains about your tight wallet, he'll bring the sim back to "life" by making him or her a zombie. While these zombies still live out their lives, they'll walk different, have serious problems with social abilities, and not be able to have children. It may not be extremely nice, but it sure is funny. Story tellers, begin your storyboarding!

The Sims 2

The other career focus was ecology. This career obviously has a much different focus for sims, but receives a career reward equally as brilliant. Once reaching the rank of rogue biologist, sims will gain access to the mighty cow plant. This disgustingly freakish creation has an amazing animation set to accompany it and will please any gamer that loves the fantastic side the Sims series shows every now and again. Basically, this thing is half-cow and half-plant. When properly fed and taken care of, this friendly flora will allow a player to milk its udders (hanging conveniently off of the underside of its toothy maw) for the Elixir of Life, which grants longer life to sims. Better yet, if you don't feed the plant, it will begin to get hungry and look for a snack, which will be anything unlucky to get close enough. Taking a cue from the denizens of the deep, this cow plant waves his cake shaped tongue around to draw sim people in close enough to gulp down in one bite. They're a rather convenient way to dispose of unwanted guests and pesky neighbors.

These are the kinds of things that Maxis is really trying hard to keep flowing into the product. These Sims moments and discoveries are really the driving personality behind the experience. A bunch of new actions, such as various brilliant pranks, pillow fights, hacky sack, and even "hanging-out" create a complete college experience for any sim. As usual the team of animators seems to be right on with their cartoony depiction of real-life in this unreal world.

Along with the animation are all of the new objects. Some of them will even serve more purpose than mere "things." The pool table allows talented sims to hustle opponents, the new musical instruments let several sims come together to play music for fun or profit (they'll actually play better or worse depending on skill values), and bonfires create a great place for sims to gather. Still more objects like cameras, doors, windows, and full length mirrors (house of mirrors anyone?) give more options for use and decoration. All of these objects will be available outside of the university towns as well so your other less educated sims don't get cut out of the fun.

On top of that, more gameplay features will be available outside of the university entirely, like new lifetime wants. These work like regular wants, but have will probably have added benefits like keeping the sim that reaches the goal in platinum mood forever. However, these goals will be quite lofty and will probably take an entire lifetime to fulfill.

The Sims 2 University is adding a lot of new gameplay and what looks to be a happy supply of new items for those simply looking for more things to put in their houses. Frankly, I can't wait to have Jimmy Jr. head out to university. Let the carnage commence!

16 dec 2004 - 22:10

We have added a few new pods to the homepage. The poll is back! Cast your vote in our rather unscientific polling area, check out the latest uploads from the community, or see what the community is talking about in the Community Update pod. Enjoy!

16 dec 2004 - 22:00

Bring a little holiday spirit to your desktop with these 3 new wallpapers. Enjoy!

Get Some Holiday Spirit

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2
15 dec 2004 - 22:00

De Sims 2 DVD-editie bevat een volledige versie van De Sims 2 op DVD-rom plus een extra DVD met vele leuke extra's!

Bonusinhoud DVD-editie:

Interviews met experts
Op de DVD vind je uitgebreide tips en hints van de ontwerpers. Je ontmoet de mensen die achter de schermen aan dit product hebben gewerkt, van de uitvoerend producente tot de technisch directeur en de directeur productontwikkeling. Fans komen geheime spelstrategieën te weten waarmee ze de dromen van hun Sims kunnen laten uitkomen, het uiterste van ze kunnen vragen en genetisch materiaal kunnen mixen. Deze exclusieve tips concentreren zich op het ontwikkelen van een stamboom, het kiezen van levenswensen, het al dan niet voldoen aan verlangens en angsten en het begeleiden van je Sims gedurende een heel leven.

Filmpjes maken
Heb jij alles in huis om een beroemd regisseur te worden? Kom erachter door in de game de optie ' Video' te gebruiken. Leer hoe je je eigen filmpjes kunt maken in De Sims 2 van de ontwerper die deze in-game videofunctie heeft gecreëerd. Je komt te weten hoe je de camera moet besturen, krijgt trucjes te horen voor het filmen vanuit verschillende hoeken, leert iets over casting en decor, plus allerlei wetenswaardigheden over speciale effecten, belichting, enz.

De Sims™ 2 video & De Sims™ 2 fragmenten
Geniet van een aantal in-game filmpjes die de ontwikkelaars van de game hebben gemaakt en lach je rot om de gekke streken van de Sims. Bekijk grappige fragmenten met foutjes en bloopers die niet in de uiteindelijke versie van de game terecht zijn gekomen.

Digitale goodies & filmpjes en screens van de game
Laat zien hoe trots je bent op De Sims met een unieke collectie De Sims 2-bureaubladachtergronden waarmee je je bureaublad of je Instant Messenger kunt versieren. Als je nou echt helemaal enthousiast bent, kun je het fansite-pakket gebruiken om je eigen website te creëren. Wil je nog meer? Mis dan niet de vele shizzle-filmpjes en screenshots die op de DVD staan.

11 dec 2004 - 22:00

Hey Folks,

It's time for another T-Mail!

In the real world, young adulthood serves as a touchstone in the lives of nearly everyone. So many of life's big moments are crammed inside this fleetingly short span of time nestled snuggly between childhood wonder and adult travails that it's hard to imagine there's still room left over for things like sleep and basic hygiene. Whether you're aching for the increased responsibility and added freedom that young adulthood brings (but you're not ready to tackle full-on adulthood just yet), or if you just want to recapture that vibrant time of life where just about anything seemed possible, The Sims 2 University has plenty to offer both the legitimately young and the merely young-at-heart.

The cornerstone of The Sims 2 University is an entirely new phase of life for your Sims – Young Adulthood. While Sims of all ages will be able to enjoy the new objects, activities and locations found in The Sims 2 University, the young adulthood life stage can only be experienced by sending your teenage Sims off to the Bacchanalian free-for-all known as college…er, we mean the rigorous and disciplined hallowed halls of Academia!

Young Adulthood occupies 20 Sim Days, which affords ample opportunity to soak up some collegiate spirit. You'll be able to indulge in all the traditional college leisure pursuits, like starting a band, playing pranks on unsuspecting Sims, hanging with buddies on the quad, and of course, keeping your Sim well hydrated with beverages (non-alcoholic, of course) at all-out ragers. You'll need to keep at least one bleary eye on your grades through all this – flunk out of school and you'll quickly find yourself "graduated" into adulthood prematurely – nobody wants that! Fortunately, you'll also be able to coerce other Sims more skilled in the nerdly arts to do your homework for you – phew!

In short, young adulthood serves as a gateway to a larger world that can seem both exhilarating and challenging. Whether or not you hunger for some higher learning, The Sims 2 University opens up a whole new world of possibilities for all your Sims, both back home and on campus. Are you ready to get schooled?

The Sims 2 University The Sims 2 University

Tim LeTourneau

President, Gotta Alpha Sims Fraternity

(aka Senior Producer, The Sims 2 University)

9 dec 2004 - 22:10

The Sims 2 University Design Team chat transcripts are live! This chat featured Charles London, Hunter Howe, Kevin Hogan, and Thomas Vu chatting about the fun new world of The Sims 2 University.

Get The Transcripts!

maxiskane (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:03 PM)
Welcome to The Sims 2 Chat! We'll be talking about The Sims 2 University Expansion Pack with The Sims 2 U Design Team! Please help me welcome Charles London, Hunter Howe, Thomas Vu, and Kevin Hogan.

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:18 PM)
Hi Everybody!

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:27 PM)

MaxisDoctorVu!! (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:27 PM)
(This user is now known as MaxisDoctorVu?)

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:30 PM)

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:04:36 PM)

fullcollapse (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:05 PM)
Will Young Adults be able to woohoo, or get pregnant?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:05 PM)
They can woohoo, but not get pregnant.

fabtep (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:08 PM)
How mature are "young adults" among the Sims? What can and what can't they do?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:08 PM)
Well, they're pretty adultlike. They can Woohoo and Get Engaged, but they can't Have Babies or Get Married. Sounds pretty good to me.

DesStarFamilySim (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:45 PM)
Will we be able to use the new university items in our regular neighborhoods?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:06:45 PM)

fabtep (Dec 9, 2004 6:07:02 PM)
Will you add new neighborhoods to the game or will there be new playable characters in the old hoods?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:07:02 PM)
There is a new college town for each of the pre-existing neighborhoods.

nickloveslamas (Dec 9, 2004 6:07:22 PM)
Will the new *young adults* look any differnt from the adults or teens?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:07:22 PM)
Yes, the will look appropriately aged given that they are in between teens and adults

pianomarie24 (Dec 9, 2004 6:08:32 PM)
Hi and thanks for chatting with us. I was wondering will Sims who don't go to college also have the new careers available to them?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:08:32 PM)
Nope, new careers will be "degree required," most likely.

Sim2ruls (Dec 9, 2004 6:08:36 PM)
So what's TS2U all about?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:08:36 PM)
You'll be able to send your Sim to college and have them do things like play in bands, cram for exams and hack their grades and even work at new kinds of jobs that happen onscreen. If you do well, your Sim can graduate with honors and unlock new careers, and even learn to control other Sims and get them to do things for your sim.

nickloveslamas (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:04 PM)
What kind of new objects will be in this expansion?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:04 PM)
There will be new career reward objects, new objects that fit in dorms, espresso bars, and other locations. Plus there will be lots of new objects that you can use in your normal homes.

sweetwata (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:17 PM)
New items added to gameplay outsisde of the University setting? Furniture, wallpaper?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:17 PM)
Yes. Pretty much everything available to college will be available at home. New wallpapers, new styles of objects, all that jazz.

Lindsay (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:52 PM)
can they get engaged to young adult townies and then marry them once they get to be adults?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:09:52 PM)

sims2lover (Dec 9, 2004 6:10:31 PM)
Will we be able to build new community lots like resteraunts and other stores?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:10:31 PM)
Yes, you'll be able to build new hangout spots like Espresso bars, music lounges and gyms where your Sim can have fun, learn the skills they need to in order to make the grade in their majors and even earn some cash by working

fullcollapse (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:11 PM)
How long will the young adult stage be, officially? Will any of the other life stages be tweaked to compensate?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:11 PM)
We still have tuning to do on this, so it's a little too early to tell.

drd671 (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:26 PM)
what do you mean do things for you? like homework and cleaning and stuff?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:26 PM)
Yes, to help your Sim save time in order to do the things they want to do.

Sim2ruls (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:43 PM)
MaxisKevin I hope that's a root beer float!

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:11:43 PM)
It's juice! Happy

iisissolro (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:08 PM)
Will sims be able to drop out of the uni early without graduating?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:08 PM)

xAmethystxSugarx (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:29 PM)
Will we be ableto create young adults in CAS?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:29 PM)

Foodiddydoodahday (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:54 PM)
Will there be new memories associated with University?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:12:54 PM)
Sure, like if they graduated with honors, or if they got expelled

linnthesim (Dec 9, 2004 6:13:14 PM)
Can adults attend university? Like continuing education?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:13:14 PM)
Only young adults can go to college

sweetwata (Dec 9, 2004 6:13:33 PM)
Can you use the instruments outside of the campus? Also can you now bring the bar down to the campus?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:13:33 PM)
Nearly all the objects that can be used in College can be used back in the home neighborhood. We want to help our community tell as many new stories as possible.

Trixie (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:17 PM)
Does this mean that new neighborhoods that we make will not have College Town? Or that they will get a College Town when creating a New Neighborhood

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:17 PM)
You can take any neighborhood and add a complimentary college neighborhood to it.

peakaboo339 (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:21 PM)
Will sim's have cell phones now?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:21 PM)
Yes! You can buy a cell phone downtown, and then have a phone wherever you want. Woo!

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:36 PM)
Could you expain a bit more about how tha classes and turtoring will work?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:36 PM)
Going to class will help Sims do better in college. Sims can get tutoring from their professors and other students.

edge (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:42 PM)
Will there actually be drinking?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:14:42 PM)
There will be juice drinking

LinzXgX (Dec 9, 2004 6:15:04 PM)
Can you text from the cell?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:15:04 PM)
Awwww yeah.

tcsrg384 (Dec 9, 2004 6:15:22 PM)
how long exactly will the "young adult" stage last? i know around double the teen stage, but do you have an exact number of days yet?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:15:22 PM)
We are still tuning this aspect of the game, stay tuned!

Luturna1313 (Dec 9, 2004 6:16:24 PM)
Will 'dorm' living situations be available for our new 'young adults' or will they commute?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:16:24 PM)
Your Sims can live in dorms as well as well as frats and rental houses

bbarboza13 (Dec 9, 2004 6:16:38 PM)
Will there be streaking and slumber parties in this EP or atleast fraternities or sorrorities?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:16:38 PM)
It wouldn't be college without streakers!

bittersweet12282 (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:13 PM)
Can the sims date their professors?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:13 PM)
Well....yes. Who knows what benefits it might have! Heh heh...

Crisbaa (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:22 PM)
What else can people who aren't really into a "college" expansion pack expect to see in the new expansion??

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:22 PM)
There will be a ton of new furniture and other objects that can be used outside of college. Plus there are a variety of new features that are not college specific.

loverboy728srec (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:41 PM)
is there any new ways to die like maybe a broken heart from being rejected or somethings how about you die from grades like if you didnt make your majours or something?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:41 PM)
We're always looking for new ways to have your Sims pass away....

QueenCamisha (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:57 PM)
Any new foods added in this ep?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:17:57 PM)
Would it be college without Ramen?

ccooleyluv (Dec 9, 2004 6:18:40 PM)
Will sims from different sim family be able to attend college at the same time and how will you choose wich sim you would control while in college town? Will it be determined by which dorm you choose?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:18:40 PM)
You can take sims from a variety of homes in your neighborhood and have them go to college at the same time. They can live together, or not, depending on your whims.

Lindsay (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:01 PM)
will sims get an extra 20,000 when they leave for college? and how much will college and dorms/frats cost?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:01 PM)
Not sure on the exact cost, but you'll probably have to start out in the dorms, and then work your way up to a low cost apartment.

dafreakysim (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:01 PM)
How will Young Adults earn money?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:01 PM)
You'll be able to actually make money at some of the new locations, like being a personal trainer at the gym, or working in the dorm cafeteria

imagineagent2000 (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:02 PM)
Will you be adding new NPCs? New food? New character interactions?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:02 PM)

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:12 PM)
Will there be new memories associated with University?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:19:12 PM)
College is a memorable experience for most Sims, so of course, yes!

pianomarie24 (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:07 PM)
How many "young adults" can you have in a dorm together.

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:07 PM)
That depends if you count the sims you can control, or the other sims that will live with them in dorms.

trervix (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:38 PM)
Who's idea was this expansion pack?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:38 PM)
Actually, it was all of your's idea...or however that's grammatically correct. We listen to our fans very very hard, and try to deliver what's most asked for the best we can. Keep asking!

MsZandiM (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:51 PM)
will we have the objects for making better community lots in our regular hoods ie gyms expressobars ect?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:51 PM)
Absolutely. Gym and espresso bar are a couple of good examples that we are supporting.

UserGREG1698 (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:56 PM)
can young adults and normal adults be able to kiss and woo hoo with each other?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:20:56 PM)
Young adults are still adults, so they will be be able to do most of the adult socials.

msgab (Dec 9, 2004 6:21:24 PM)
Will some sims have a "go to college" want when they are teens?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:21:25 PM)

gnelso3 (Dec 9, 2004 6:21:55 PM)
Will receiving a degree at the University really have an impact on their career future.

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:21:55 PM)
Going to college will certainly have an impact on their career future.

EgoBruiser (Dec 9, 2004 6:22:22 PM)
How will dorm rooms and apartments work? Will only the active apartment/room be seen, or will you be able to see the entire building?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:22:22 PM)
Your sims will be able to live in a really croded, raucous dorm with lots of other Sims you don't directly control. Lots of possibilities for hilarity and mayhem

alyssawicca (Dec 9, 2004 6:22:29 PM)
How can you get expelled in TS2U?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:22:29 PM)
By neglecting your studies and getting failing grades in consecutive semesters.

skinner (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:01 PM)
will going to college have any negative impact on some sims, such as being sad to leave home?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:01 PM)
Some sims will be homesick, sure. Some will be excited. And the Sims at home sometimes will miss the Sims who go off to school

magicteena (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:04 PM)
Will there be any new skills or jobs?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:04 PM)
There will be new jobs

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:30 PM)
This pack seems to center on the new young adult stage of life, will there be anything new for other stages of life, other than the dorm objects usable at home?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:31 PM)
Careers will be affected. New objects and socials will be littered throughout the other age spans.

xmrwatermelon (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:55 PM)
Will other age groups be tweaked because of this new young adult stage?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:23:55 PM)
You mean the age lengths? No, not really. Since the young adult action happens outside the home neighborhood, it doesn't much matter what the other age lengths are.

xmrwatermelon (Dec 9, 2004 6:24:36 PM)
Will sims have a schedule of classes in college?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:24:36 PM)
Sure, and trying to keep that schedule while doing all the other college activities is the challeneg...

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:25:14 PM)
Can our sims literally stay in college for the remainder of their lives - never leaving campus and growing old in the process.

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:25:15 PM)
Nope. If you dont get your work done there, you're kicked out!

JasmineVS23 (Dec 9, 2004 6:25:35 PM)
I read there will be Frats and Sororities... can you give us some details ?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:25:35 PM)
There will indeed be greek houses where your Sims can pledge and be made to perform tasks for the house by the other members. Then when they become memebers they can boss around the other pledges.

alyssawicca (Dec 9, 2004 6:26:49 PM)
MaxisCharles will our Young-Adult Sims be able to cheat in the exams?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:26:49 PM)
Sometimes, but it's not always a good idea of course. Getting caught is never fun....and only some Sims can do it...

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:27:19 PM)
That sounds cool. I can't wait for the new EP...will there be sororities and fraternities that sims can rush?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:27:19 PM)
There will be fraternities and sororities.

magicteena (Dec 9, 2004 6:27:55 PM)
MaxisHunter said..."Since the young adult action happens outside the home neighborhood, it doesn't much matter what the other age lengths are." .............. So does that mean that every sim you have who is a teenager has to go to college in order to get to the adult stage?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:27:55 PM)
Say you're a teen. You can go off to college, be a young adult, then come back home and be an adult...or, just not go to college and become an adult after teen.

simlemon2 (Dec 9, 2004 6:28:15 PM)
Will the proffesors be npcs?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:28:15 PM)
Professors are NPCs.

nickloveslamas (Dec 9, 2004 6:28:53 PM)
How many new shops are you guys planning to add? Maybe like a student union?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:28:53 PM)
We're still building them, so we don't have a final count, but there will be lots, including a student union.

Agent00Z3r0 (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:01 PM)
will we get a music carreer or at least get the electric guitar back?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:01 PM)
You got your guitar back!

drd671 (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:09 PM)
can you marry a professor after college?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:09 PM)

EgoBruiser (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:40 PM)
Can there be multiple universities per neighbourhood? i.e. a good school and a not-so-good school?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:40 PM)
You'll be able to add colleges to your neighborhoods and even make new ones of your own

Gee (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:47 PM)
Is there a library? If there is, can you find special books that give you any specific advantage?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:29:47 PM)
There is a library, but there are other locations you can visit to give you advantages...

adidastee10 (Dec 9, 2004 6:30:07 PM)
Cheerleaders in Uni?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:30:07 PM)
Yep! They like to run around and cheer. Go Team!

Jessica (Dec 9, 2004 6:30:53 PM)
I love you guys!!

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:30:53 PM)
We love you too!

simnutty2 (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:26 PM)
What about the pool tables...can young adults have parties? And if they can where do they have them?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:26 PM)
Lots of fun'll be able to play a game, practice new shots, and even make a little money on the side

KatrinLohrengel (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:27 PM)
can you form a band and perform in for example a bar?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:28 PM)
Why, yes indeed!

becnivon (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:47 PM)
Will they be all new interactions for all sims, or just the ones who go to college?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:47 PM)
There will be new interactions and objects for all sims, not just the ones that go to college.

starman4016 (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:48 PM)
Will there be Fountains

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:31:48 PM)
Yes, fountains plural, in fact.

Pinstar1161 (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:11 PM)
Will the professors be NPCs that you can build up relations with? Possibly for a better grade?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:11 PM)
Schmoozing with the professor can never hurt. =-)

bam_fan23 (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:41 PM)
can u have toga parties? animal house style?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:41 PM)
Awwwww yeah. Togas rock, but they're only allowed in greek houses.

kat12121 (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:51 PM)
what about those of whose who arent thrilled about the college aspect will there be other options for other age groups

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:32:51 PM)
There will be tons of options for those that don't want the college experience.

Lindz131313 (Dec 9, 2004 6:33:31 PM)
Will ther be sterio types IE.. Goths,preppys,Skaters,Hoods?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:33:31 PM)
We've made new skins for the youung adults in support of many of those stereotypes.

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:33:43 PM)
are there new clothes and hair stlyes?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:33:43 PM)
Young adults will have hipper new clothes.

vex (Dec 9, 2004 6:34:32 PM)
Will we actually be able to go with the sims to their classes?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:34:32 PM)
We discussed that and decided it would be a bit boring to watch Sims sit in class and listen to a lecture.

QueenCamisha (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:28 PM)
If you was just a fan and was asking questions too what would you like to know about the game?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:28 PM)
Can young adults woohoo?!

Philly (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:57 PM)
can you pick your classes or are they random??

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:57 PM)
You will pick your major and that will determine your classes.

zancho (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:59 PM)
Will sims aspirations influence their studies

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:35:59 PM)
It will certainly influence what Major they want to declare...

bittersweet12282 (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:08 PM)
What will happen while sims are in classes? Does time speed up like when they are sleeping?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:08 PM)
Depends if you have active Sims remaining on the lot.

Akuma-Chan (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:15 PM)
Will cheating be a skill?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:15 PM)
No, but it will be possible to cheat.

CountrySim123 (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:53 PM)
Will you actually sit in the classes and be able to interact with the instructors?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:36:53 PM)
You will be able to interact with your professors, but we're not making you watch your sims sit through lectures.

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:37:35 PM)
Will the fraternities and soroities be able to "mix"?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:37:35 PM)

chikara enjeru (Dec 9, 2004 6:37:55 PM)
will there be coffee shop hangouts like starbucks where students can study and all?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:37:55 PM)
Absolutely. They can crack the books there, play music with friends, even earn $$$ tutoring

cloud9grmnet (Dec 9, 2004 6:38:06 PM)
I saw a screenshot of a couple of male Sims streaking through the campus. Is this a fraternity stunt, or something the Sims can decide to do at any time?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:38:06 PM)
That is an NPC

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:38:22 PM)
are the professor NPCs cute ...

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:38:22 PM)
Some of them

SimGirl2991 (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:13 PM)
do you have to do homework every single night? c'mon maxis, these young adults wanna do more than just homework at night!

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:13 PM)
All schoolwork is totally optional. Even going to class! We definitely aren't making SimHomework, the homework simulator. Happy

Chadsgirl1719 (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:15 PM)
how long until the chat ends?

maxiskane (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:15 PM)
The Chat will end in 30 minutes.

UniversityGrad (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:33 PM)

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:39:33 PM)
Awwwww yeah....

Constantinople (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:14 PM)
Will there be more types of parties? Personally I'd like to see a lan party...... !

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:14 PM)
Yes, there will be new party types. We're also updating the computers to support some new features...

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:24 PM)
can the university have a store

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:24 PM)

SillyBonn (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:32 PM)
Can my sims make friends with the streaker NPCs? Wink

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:32 PM)
Yep...if you can catch him/her. You can even marry them, eventually.

LinzXgX (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:53 PM)
Will we like this game

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:40:53 PM)
You will LOVE this game!

ericalaurel (Dec 9, 2004 6:41:36 PM)
Besides Greek life, what sorts of other "non-academic" campus activities will be available for our sims to get involved with?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:41:36 PM)
Playing music together and making money, for example

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:41:54 PM)
Will we get new hairstyles? There's no short curly hair...

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:41:54 PM)
New hairstyles. Got it. Consider it done.

IceDrgn4 (Dec 9, 2004 6:42:21 PM)
will we be able to play pranks?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:42:21 PM)

superstarsimr (Dec 9, 2004 6:43:02 PM)
when u were younger did u aspire toi be game de3signers?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:43:02 PM)
I had no idea when I was a kid that people got paid for doing this.

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:43:13 PM)
for parties, will there be different objects like punch bowl, bowl of chips, etc. or just the buffet table

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:43:13 PM)
Definitely new party know us...

pacoffeegirl (Dec 9, 2004 6:44:02 PM)
Are there exams that the Sims have to pull all-nighters to study for, or do your Sims just go to classes in a good mood?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:44:02 PM)
There is a variety of class work that your Sims have to do before their final. They may have to cram to get good grades if they spent most of their time partying.

Kdawg (Dec 9, 2004 6:44:20 PM)
Will they pay rent?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:44:20 PM)
You can put a small deposit down on an apartment/house and then pay rent through bills.

RBeka (Dec 9, 2004 6:45:31 PM)
What will be the advantages of wearing a toga?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:45:31 PM)
There are no real advatages besides the fashion staement.

Lor (Dec 9, 2004 6:45:46 PM)
Will some sims just be stupider than others, or are all sims created equil in that aspect?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:45:46 PM)
A Sim's intelligence is based the player. Two legs are more equal than four legs.

ValaIceland (Dec 9, 2004 6:46:37 PM)
one of the things I've seen in the movies is a thing called "underwear-raid" or something to that effect, where male student raid the female campus and steel their underwear. Will my sims be able to particapate in such...pranks?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:46:37 PM)
There are pranks, but not that specific one.

Shawnithan (Dec 9, 2004 6:46:52 PM)
If you can play in a band, will there be genres you can select like you could in superstar?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:46:52 PM)
Yes, there will be multiple musical styles.

NewZealand Sims Fan! (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:00 PM)
is yes all you say MaxisKevin?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:00 PM)

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:03 PM)
Are there kitchens in the dorms or caffeterias?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:03 PM)
There are cafeterias in the dorms.

SimmerGirl (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:29 PM)
Can you leave flaming poo on their steps

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:47:29 PM)
No, but there are other pranks

UserHunca (Dec 9, 2004 6:49:51 PM)
Can young adults become engaged? and what if they get engaged to a Sim who doesn't live in their neighborhood? or can that even happen?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:49:51 PM)
They can get engaged, but only to sims that are going to college, which must have come from the base neighborhood.

Trixie (Dec 9, 2004 6:50:59 PM)
Can you reveal some of the new jobs yet? Or how much the maximum weekly pay is compared to the current highest (Athletic, 9,099 per week)

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:50:59 PM)
We can't really reveal the new careers yet, but there will definitely be new ones. And they will require college degrees.

rakki (Dec 9, 2004 6:51:01 PM)
what is new in build mode?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:51:01 PM)
I think you guys will really like what we are adding to build mode. Here are two examples: Multistory columns (two and three stories high) and connecting columns (arches!).

Lori (Dec 9, 2004 6:51:36 PM)
I think that this was an awesome idea for an expansion pack!! I'm very excited! Thanks Maxis guys!! Happy

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:51:36 PM)
We think so too. Thanks!!

Isis (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:07 PM)
I know you've been holding the new University theme for a while. How did it feel to finally be able to work with this idea?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:07 PM)
It was a big deal for us to try and capture what's such an exciting time for lots of people. We had a great time designing it and are having a great time bringing it to the finish line. Expansion packs can be such a great time as we flesh out the world we worked so hard to build.

Shawnithan (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:39 PM)
Are there any freaky cult fraternity/sororities? You know that's always fun. Don't drink the koolaid!

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:39 PM)
Freaky cults? Yes there are fraternity, sororities, and other "hidden" organizations.

cloud9grmnet (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:58 PM)
Will Sims be able to have refrigerators or hotplates in their dorms? Or do they have to rely on the cafeteria or take-out to eat?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:52:58 PM)
No hotplates, but you can get a mini-fridge and microwave, like I had.

tomaczdacoolman (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:05 PM)
Will there be realy tall pillars

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:05 PM)
Do you mean multistory columns? If so, yep.

Fifla4 (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:42 PM)
Will they share bathrooms with tho whole dorm?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:42 PM)
Common area shared bathrooms are a staple in college dorms.

missygjo (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:50 PM)
Will there be small fridges and other handy things rather than the regular sized ones?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:53:50 PM)

superscotty9 (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:10 PM)
Are there any new foods aka Baked Nabraska?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:10 PM)
Yup, new takeout options and some classic "late night" college food...

thesims2fanfreak (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:50 PM)
do you think this is the best expantion pack made so far?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:51 PM)
It's absolutely the best Sims2 expansion pack so far...

MaxisMojo (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:51 PM)
10 Minutes left to go!

shoeless (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:58 PM)
Will college help your Sims education alot, making them do better for their job?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:54:58 PM)
Getting a degree will help sims get jobs that they could not otherwise get, and they will help them advance to higher levels in other career tracks.

Project2232 (Dec 9, 2004 6:55:57 PM)
What University/College did you go to?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:55:57 PM)
I went to Carnegie Mellon. Charles went to UPenn, Kevin went to UC Davis, Thomas went to UC San Diego.

Guest (Dec 9, 2004 6:56:14 PM)
r u guys shipping with any new pre-made neighbourhoods and neighbourhood templates?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:56:14 PM)
We are creating some college neighborhoods for you all to use. Plus you will be able to create your own.

HollyTheSim01 (Dec 9, 2004 6:56:30 PM)
What do you guys at Maxis think the most exiting part of the new expansion pack is?

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 6:56:30 PM)
For me, it was getting to brainstorm with really smart peope about cool things to add to an existing system. You get to let your mind run free and it's a blast.

doggwagg (Dec 9, 2004 6:57:10 PM)
MaxisDocterVu, why do you have a turtle after your name

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:57:10 PM)
Turtles are fun.

Lor (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:01 PM)
What is one of the coolest things in the ep?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:01 PM)
My favoriate stuff is the new career reward objects.

msgab (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:39 PM)
Hey Thomas, I am attending UCSD now. What did you major in?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:39 PM)

Project2232 (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:41 PM)
Define Endoplasmic Reticulum Happy

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:41 PM)
Please elaborate -- rough or smooth? Lets be honest here, we wouldn't be so good on protein synthesis without em. You think you'd have glycogen without em? Heck no!

mike (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:48 PM)
if a sim eventually marries a streaker, will they go streaking around the house? Wink

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 6:58:48 PM)
This is something you should definitely try.

maxiskane (Dec 9, 2004 6:59:03 PM)
Five more minutes in the chat!

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 6:59:13 PM)
More questions about cell organelles! Please!

Sims_Stash (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:47 PM)
Can you move back in with Mom and Dad after college?

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:47 PM)
Yes you can.

tmvargas67 (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:57 PM)
Thanks for giving us the guitar back, and thanks for the cell phones. That is soooo cool.

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:57 PM)
Glad you guys like those objects. Those are just two of the many very cool objects in the pack.

chikara enjeru (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:59 PM)
I just wanted to thank you guys for giving me, and god knows thousands of others, something to do for hours and hours on end! I can't wait for this ExP to come out! You guys rock!

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 7:00:59 PM)
The thanks really go to you fans out there who support us and give us the juice to turn stuff like this out. You rock, yourself!

maximus (Dec 9, 2004 7:01:01 PM)
What are the stages of Mitosis and do they occur in the Sims 2?

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 7:01:01 PM)
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telephase, Mr. Smarty Pants.

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 7:01:30 PM)
or Smarty Girl.

Annerz (Dec 9, 2004 7:03:09 PM)
Turtles may be fun, but answering my questions wins hands down. Will there be any clubs that the bands can play at or anything of the sort?

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 7:03:09 PM)
Sims can play their musical instruments at the lounge!

maxiskane (Dec 9, 2004 7:03:42 PM)
That's all the time we have. Thanks for chatting with us Thomas, Hunter, Charles, and Kevin!

MaxisCharles (Dec 9, 2004 7:03:53 PM)
Bye all! Thanks!

MaxisKevin (Dec 9, 2004 7:03:57 PM)
Bye everyone!

MaxisDoctorVu? (Dec 9, 2004 7:04:02 PM)
Thanks everyone, bye!

MaxisHunter! (Dec 9, 2004 7:04:03 PM)
Byee folks!

9 dec 2004 - 22:00

Have you taken the Legacy Challenge? How did Pinstar1161 come up with this challenge that everyone is talking about?

Learn More About The Legacy Challenge

For over a month, the community has been devoted to working on The Legacy Challenge, a challenge to make a Sim family the strongest it can be over 10 generations while following certain rules. We spoke with Pinstar1161, the creator of The Legacy Challenge, about how he conceived of the challenge, how he feels the challenge is working, and his thoughts on future challenges.

In recent weeks, your Legacy Challenge has generated a lot of interest in the community. How did you come up with the Challenge?

A rather wide variety of factors inspired me to create the challenge. Like many simmers, I become a bit attached to my Sims, and hate to see them die. I'd create a family, let them age to elder and move out their children, but I never had the heart to go back and play the elders to their graves. The Legacy Challenge was a way of forcing myself to let my elders die.

Secondly, I read in the prima guide that a sim-created painting can appreciate all the way to $4,500, but I realized that would take forever, so I got to thinking "What if you did play a lot for a really, really long time.

Lastly, I wanted to see what kind of house I could build on a 5X5 lot if I played it for a long time. I was also curious to see what others in the community could make too. It's one thing to build a huge house from nothing to done in one sitting. It's another thing to see a house evolve from a tiny shack to a grand mansion, bit by bit, over the generations. It takes on a lot of character.

What was the most difficult part in conceiving the rules?

Balancing the scoring was a paramount. I wanted the Challenge to reward players for a wide variety of play styles, and allow simmers to focus on different aspects in their families and still be rewarded equally. If one method of play earned you more points than any other, then that would be the ONLY way to play if you wanted a high score, and that's no fun for anybody.

How did you determine the point value associated with each goal?

I decided on a base-10 system. Each major area would earn you, on average, 10 points. The average net worth of a house would be $1,000,000 after 10 generations, so 10 net worth points. The average simmer could get 30 family friends in the end, another 10 points. Half of the Sims that die on a lot would be platinum. Assuming just married couples, that's another 10 points. The average simmer could get about 10 impossible wants fulfilled, 10 more points. Finally 10 points exactly for reaching 10 generations. Now 10 is a base, a simmer who is GOOD in an area could get more than 10 points, a simmer who did badly in an area could earn less... but overall, it gave each area equal weight. A simmer who was really good at making family friends, and a simmer who was really good at making the family money could end up with very similar scores, despite the drastically different play styles. This is what I wanted from the points system, and from the response thus far, I think it's working! Also feedback from the community has allowed me to tweak and adjust the scoring, and add new and interesting bonuses.

What has the response been like in your guest book or on the boards? Did you expect it to become so popular?

I could never have imagined such a large response. When I first posted the challenge, I anticipated a few responses, and maybe I'd get lucky and somebody else might give it a try for a few generations. As you can see, we have quite a bit more than "a few people" doing the challenge. My Guest book is lively with remarks, but it is the message boards that is REALLY lively. The main threads are huge and there are dozens of splinter threads with questions and tips for my challenge. All I can do is sit back, watch it all unfold, and help those who need it along the way.

Have you successfully completed 10 generations yourself? What's the top score you have achieved?

I have not completed my own challenge, yet. With the demands of college tearing me from my Sims from time to time, I have paced myself. My current Legacy family is on generation 7, and I'm currently holding a score of about 45. I can tell you right now, that despite being the creator of the challenge, I KNOW there are simmers out there who will beat my final score by a good margin, whatever it ends up being in the end.

What are the most challenging aspects to this game?

Some of The Sims' impossible wants are really hard to get, and take a long time of skillful play to fulfill, romance and popularity Sims in particular. Raising twins and training them as toddlers at the same time can be tricky. Lastly, when you play a house that has a LOT of ghosts, nighttime itself becomes a challenge, but that keeps it all interesting!

Your blog indicates that your Sims are leading very active and interesting lives. Can you tell us about some of your most interesting characters?

My favorite character would be Raccoon, who's currently in his golden years in the blog. The Legacy family's first knowledge sim had a rather obsessive-compulsive attitude with ghost hunting and stargazing. He also, to go with his namesake, made a hidden burrow under the house to live in rather than sleeping in a bedroom like any normal sim. Anyone who has downloaded my house will see the network of underground passages he's created. His daughter Teliah was likewise odd, but she met an early and young death from the very ghosts Raccoon hunted.

If I had to pick a second favorite character, it would be Rodger. The country boy from Simfarm turned gardener for the suburbs. He brought an interesting perspective and attitude to the Legacy family.

Also the grim reaper is beginning to take on his own personality, simply from his frequent visits to the house.

How long have you been playing The Sims?

Since the day it came out. I am always interested in anything Maxis makes, and when I saw "The Sims" on the horizon, I followed it closely and pre-ordered it. I'm very glad I did.

What do you like the most about The Sims 2?

I would have to say aging and the aspirations. With new Sims coming and going, the same household doesn't get stale like it did in the original Sims. The different aspirations further the variety of game play, and give you mini-goals within the game, beyond the classic "reach the top of my career" that was in the original Sims.

Any other Challenges in the works?

I will be issuing another challenge based on the up and coming University expansion pack soon after it is officially released. I can't give too many details about what exactly the challenge will be, mainly because I myself don't know ALL the cool new features and challenges that will be introduced with life on campus.

As far as the Legacy Challenge goes, as soon as many more simmers complete their challenges, I have a secret additional challenge that I will issue, but that is a ways away.

2 dec 2004 - 23:00
The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Er zijn 3 nieuwe Kerst artworks op de officiële Spaanse website!

2 dec 2004 - 22:50
De Sims 2 Studentenleven

SimsExpress heeft deze Sims 2 Studentenleven artwork op de GameStop website gevonden!

2 dec 2004 - 22:40
De Sims 2

Een nieuwe artwork met een kerstthema op de officiële Noorse website!




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