
Careers: Doctor Career

zaterdag, april 4, 2015 - 21:02

The Doctor Career is an active career, also known as a profession. This means you get the chance to go along with your Sim to see and control them at work.

Level Position Work Days Work Hours Average Hourly Pay Ideal Mood
1 Medical Intern S M T W T F S 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM §18 per hour Focused
2 Orderly S M T W T F S 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM §23 per hour Focused
3 Medical Assistant S M T W T F S 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM §35 per hour Focused
4 Medical Technologist S M T W T F S 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM §49 per hour Focused
5 Assistant Nurse S M T W T F S 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM §68 per hour Focused
6 R.N. S M T W T F S 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM §95 per hour Focused
7 Doctor - General Practioner S M T W T F S 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM §135 per hour Focused
8 Medical Specialist S M T W T F S 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM §195 per hour Focused
9 Surgeon S M T W T F S 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM §245 per hour Focused
10 Chief of Staff S M T W T F S 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM §280 per hour Focused


  1. Attend an active work day at the doctor career venue. (2)
    When it's time for the doctor to start work, the option will appear to follow along to the career venue and actively participate in their work day.
  2. Treat 2 Patients. (2)
    Cure a patient's illness on the Exam Bed by giving them medicine or a shot.
  3. Treat 3 Patients. (3)
    Cure a patient's illness on the Exam Bed by giving them medicine or a shot.
  4. Successfully Diagnose and Treat a Patient. (1)
    Perform enough exams on a patient to give the correct diagnosis of their illness and then provide the appropriate treatment.
  5. Successfully Diagnose and Treat 2 Patients. (2)
    Perform enough exams on a patient to give the correct diagnosis of their illness and then provide the appropriate treatment.
  6. Successfully Diagnose and Treat 3 Patients. (3)
    Perform enough exams on a patient to give the correct diagnosis of their illness and then provide the appropriate treatment.
  7. Perform Surgery on 3 Patients. (3)
    Certain illness diagnoses will require and make available surgical treatments for patients on the surgery table.
  8. Deliver a Baby (1)
    Often high-level doctors need to deal with sudden work emergencies, like delivering a pregnant Sim's baby.
  9. Successfully Diagnose and Treat 5 Patients. (5)
    Perform enough exams on a patient to give the correct diagnosis of their illness and then provide the appropriate treatment.


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