
Careers: Science Career

zaterdag, april 4, 2015 - 21:41

The Science Career is an active career, also known as a profession. This means you get the chance to go along with your Sim to see and control them at work.

Level Position Work Days Work Hours Average Hourly Pay Ideal Mood
1 Lab Technician S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §24 per hour Focused
2 Apprentice Inventor S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §32 per hour Focused
3 Junior Tinkerer S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §39 per hour Focused
4 Serum Sequencer S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §48 per hour Focused
5 Technological Innovator S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §72 per hour Focused
6 Ufologist S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §102 per hour Focused
7 Laboratory Leader S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §142 per hour Focused
8 Pioneer of New Technologies S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §187 per hour Focused
9 Mad Scientist S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §215 per hour Focused
10 Extraterrestrial Explorer S M T W T F S 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM §247 per hour Focused


  1. Have 2 Breakthroughs (2)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  2. Have 4 Breakthroughs (+2; 4 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  3. Have 6 Breakthroughs (+2; 6 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  4. Have 8 Breakthroughs (+2; 8 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  5. Have 10 Breakthroughs (+2; 10 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  6. Have 12 Breakthroughs (+2; 12 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  7. Have 14 Breakthroughs (+2; 14 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  8. Have 16 Breakthroughs (+2; 16 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.
  9. Have 18 Breakthroughs (+2; 18 total)
    Scientific breakthroughs can happen at almost any time that the scientist is in a contemplative state. For example, while gardening, reading, or performing experiments.


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