
Il Perrinni Italianate Tile (95 Colour Options!)

donderdag, februari 1, 2018 - 09:14



I'm a huge fan of all the Sims games. ♥ I've been playing The Sims since 2000! Sometimes I just really miss certain items from previous Sims games. You'll still find me playing the classic The Sims game every so often, if only for nostalgia reasons haha! I also occasionally play The Sims 2. It's still a really good game!

Now it shouldn't come as a surprise that I want some of the old stuff in our current Sims 4 game. Three (technically 2) tiles I really missed from The Sims and The Sims 2 are Il Perrinni Italianate Tile (the blue tile from The Sims), "El Rojo" Terracotta Tile (the orange/brown tile from The Sims), and the similar "Terrafirma Terracotta" Floor Tiles from The Sims 2.


The Sims - Il Perrinni Italianate Tile

Il Perrinni Italianate Tile

Old world elegance.


The Sims - "El Rojo" Terracotta Tile

"El Rojo" Terracotta Tile

Compliments a southwestern theme.


The Sims 2 - "Terraforma Terracotta" Floor Tiles

"Terrafirma Terracotta" Floor Tiles

Earthy. Solid. Real. For those who want complete confidence in the ground they stand on.


So what I did was port the orange/brown tile texture from The Sims 2. As for the blue Il Perrinni Italianate tile; I actually re-created it by hand, because you cannot port textures from The Sims 1 to a newer game. They are simply too small and isometric in style, and therefore unusable.

Because I went through all the trouble of re-creating the blue Il Perrinni Italianate tile, I figured it couldn't hurt to create a few more colour options. So I did! I think I made a few nice colour schemes to choose from. You can combine plenty of them. Using the CTRL + F function in-game, you can make really nice floor patterns with them too (give it a try sometime!)

Because 95 floor tiles wasn't enough (lol) I also decided to try and see what it would look like as a smaller tile. And I can tell you, it's quite nice. So I made another 95 smaller tiles which you can download here.

Although at the time I'm writing this, I'm not quite finished yet, I am creating matching walls for these floors. When it's done, you'll find it under the Il Perrinni Italianate category! Check it out if you like matching floors and walls!

I'd love to see screenshots from you guys! Feel free to share them with me via Twitter (SNW), Facebook (SNW page or SNW group), Instagram (snwgames). If you use them in a video, I'd love to see hat too! Mention/tag me, it'll put a smile on my face! ♥

To get these in your game, simply download the ZIP file, extract it to the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder!


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