
Store - Nieuws

Did somebody ask for Re-colorable Stained Glass Windows? How about a screened in porch?

The Forgotten Ironwork Fence is a perfect entrance to your secret garden.

A softer, redesign of L-shaped stairs for May

De gurus hebben ons een voorproefje gegeven van wat er in de mei store set zal zitten!

Hey Simmers! 

SimGuruCopeland mentioned in February that the Bohemian Garden was part of a 2 part series, where we reimagined the popular Mansions & Gardens pack from The Sims 2. Well, Part II is coming out in May! Stay tuned to this thread as we continue to update you with new details about the new set. 

It's Monday, April 14th and we couldn't wait any longer to start talking! 

Ik weet niet zeker of ik dit al op de website had gepost, maar ik heb het in ieder geval wel gedeeld via social media. Enige tijd geleden heeft het Sims team veranderd dat men nu wereldwijd SimPoints kan verdienen door het kijken van advertenties. Dit betekent dat je naar de Sims 3 Store pagina kunt gaan wanneer je wilt, en als er advertenties beschikbaar zijn (zet adblock uit) dan kun je op het plaatje in de sidebar op de store pagina's klikken:

Ahhhhhh zo gaaf!!

Hey Simmers! 

SimGuruCopeland mentioned in February that the Bohemian Garden was part of a 2 part series, where we reimagined the popular Mansions & Gardens pack from The Sims 2. Well, Part II is coming out in May! Stay tuned to this thread as we continue to update you with new details about the new set. 

Have a great weekend!

It's here! It's finally here! The bakery is here!! :D

The Deliciously Indulgent Bakery has all of the items you need to build a sweet little corner shop for all of your Sims goodies!

The Sims 3 Store Will Soon Be Baking Fresh Delights Every Day for Your Sims

Hey Simmers, We’re back with another fresh-out-of-the-oven release. Your Sim will not be able to walk past the new Deliciously Indulgent Bakery venue without being tempted to go inside and try everything!


So… um… it looks like we’re all out of cupcakes. Looks like we should go make some more. Good thing we’re here to introduce the second Premium Content bundle coming with the Deliciously Indulgent Bakery, the Baker’s Station!

SimGuruTaterTot heeft dit zojuist op het forum gepost!



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