
De Sims 3: Beestenbende - Nieuws

Van het aankomende uitbreidingspakket voor de Sims 3, De Sims 3: Beestenbende zal ook een speciale Limited Edition beschikbaar komen. Deze limited edition zal een aantal extra exclusieve spullen bevatten, speciaal voor de echte Sims 3 fans.

Deze Limited Edition zal in Nederland waarschijnlijk in de meeste bekende winkels te koop zijn. Daarnaast kan je deze versie van het spel natuurlijk ook kopen op Origin.

We're counting down the days until The Sims 3 Pets so we thought we would host a random gifting thread. Share photos of your own pets with us and you could be randomly gifted an item from your Wishlist. The giveaway ends today at 3 P.M. (PST).

Post your photo now

Countdown to the launch of The Sims 3 Pets with us! We’ll be inviting all Simmers to join in on various countdown activities such as sharing photos of your pets, random giveaways, and more!

RSVP to the event now

The Sims 3 Pets is launching October 18, 2011! Pre-order today to ensure you get the limited edition content on PC and PS3/Xbox 360.

Learn more at

We need you to help us give a name for an awesome horse sculpture from The Sims 3 Pets EP! Head over to our Facebook page to take a look at the sculpture and to cast your vote on the name.

Cast your vote!

For The First Time, The Sims Brings Fully Controllable Pets To Console, Handheld and on PC/Mac

Join The Sims 3 at E3 2011 with Executive Producer – Ben Bell – as he introduces The Sims 3 Pets. Learn how life is better with pets in The Sims 3! Take advantage of this opportunity to get up-close with Ben during the Q&A session where he’ll be answering questions from you! As a treat, a never-before-seen exclusive will be unveiled as well!

We will be hosting a giveaway on Twitter following the live broadcast for Simmers who participate! The Sims 3 Pets E3 gift bundle will include a signed t-shirt from Ben Bell and a The Sims 3 Pets spiked human dog collar.



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