
EA - Nieuws

IGN came to EA and got a close-up look at Livin' Large and other upcoming EA games. Take a peek into the future of gaming with this great article!

Go to, or click read more below to read the story and see the screenshots!

Are you a public relations professional? Do you occasionally find yourself speaking like a Sim? Does an occupation where playing games is part of the job description sound appealing? Then Maxis and Electronic Arts is interested in hearing from you. We are looking for a creative, organized and energetic individual with two to five years experience as a Publicist, PR Specialist or PR Account Manager/Executive to help tell the story of Maxis and our hugely popular Sim games.

What do you get when you combine the building elements of "SimCity" with people management from the "The Sims?" The answer, of course, is "SimsVille". This upcoming game from Electronic Arts is a micromanager's heaven, with a goal to create a vibrant city while enriching its residents' lives at the same time.

Click to check out the ETOnline article



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