
SimCity 3000 - Nieuws

To all of our wonderful fans, we apologize for not having the original Exchange available yet. Rest assured, we are putting the finishing touches on the archive and it will be accessible on June 16th. So in the meantime, be patient and take the time to explore the new site and all it has to offer.

Go to Exchange

For a limited time only, both Babbage's and Electronics Boutique have an exclusive to 5 (yes..count 'em FIVE) brand new landmarks for SimCity 3000 Unlimited. You too can have the Hollywood sign, Paul Bunyan and Babe, or even your very own horse racing track. So head on over to Electronics Boutique and Babbage's to check out what they have to offer.

Go to Electronics Boutique or Babbage's

Follow the link below to to learn how! Please note that the promotion ends on 5/31.

Go to

Check out the videos section for the latest Maxis product videos. You can see the videos for The Sims, SimCity 3000 Unlimited and a sneak peek of SimsVille!

Owners of SimCity 3000 Unlimited are able to upload their cities, buildings, and scenarios to the new SimCity Exchange. Be one of the first on your block to publish your SimCity 3000 Unlimited creations!

Click here to join rush!

ZDNet recently interviewed Will Wright as part of their "big thinkers" series. Some great insights into The Sims, SimCity 3000, and the mind behind them!

Check out the ZDNet Inteview

"This morning, Maxis announced the development of SimCity 3000 Unlimited, the follow-up to last year's second-best-selling game and highest-grossing title of 1999..."

Go to

New Asian building sets. New European building sets. New toxic cloud disaster.

SimCity 3000 takes number four in Time Magazines "The Best of 1999." Time reports that SimCity 3000 is "More than just a game, this worthy successor to the you-are-the-mayor classic takes world building to a new level."

Time Magazine

Yesterday, April 1st, was taken over by Sims promoting the upcoming game The Sims. Now Luc Barthelet has published a statement on the SimCity website. Click read more to read it!


Chat transcript February 17, 1999



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